Manuel Jiménez solicita declares in emergence SDE to solve problem of the crisis

The mayor of Santo Domingo Este, Manuel Jiménez, applied to the Council of Regulators for the Declaration of the Municipalities in the State of Emergency, with the proposal to execute the necessary remedies to address the problem of the tragedy in this community.

Al deelnemer together with President Luis Abinader of the Council of Ministers, dedicated first and foremost to the priorities of a municipality, Jiménez explained to the mandate the plethora of conditions drawn up under the United Nations Program for Development (PNUD) in order to contract a company that would collect the bribe in the most populous zone of the city, Circulation 3.

“We have the plan and the resources. Only the leaders of our party and the opposition will study the plea, the debate and declare the State of Emergency on the problem of the tragedy “, manifested the alcalde.

According to the plan issued by the edil, the authorities of the municipality pretend to install a mixed model of collection of solid waste, assuming the responsibility of the collection in some zones and contracting only companies with high yield and efficiency in other areas.


Manuel Jiménez presented to the President a list of projects and imperative works of the city, which required the collaboration of Gobierno.

These projects are: the construction of a transfer or transfer station of modern solid waste and with the capacity to respond to the hardship of the most populous municipality of the country; the termination of the Palace of Justice, donde debe aenderse a cerca del 22% la la population national.

Also the termination of the treatment plants of residual water ubiquitous in El Tamarindo and Los Prados de San Luis; the construction of a public university to attend 50,000 young people; the construction of a General Hospital for a municipality of more than 1 million 200 miles of inhabitants, and the creation of the Center for Employment and the National Ecological Museum in the installations of the Parade de Autobuses del Parque del Este.

However, the decision that the Gobierno prioritises construction in Santo Domingo Este of a Municipal School of Fine Arts; the construction of the Béisbol Stadium; the construction of the new market of Los Mina; and the governmental intervention to resolve the situation of transit and mobility.

For construction projects, Alcaldía has specific terrain and capabilities for collaboration. Solo falta, de acuordo con los calculos de Jiménez, la articulation med med el Poder Ejecutivo.
