Manny Pacquiao, revealed the title of AMB welter title holder

Manny Pacquiao, the Filipino lieenda of the box, declared “downhill champion“on the night of the fires on Saturday at the Boxeo World Cup Association (AMB), donde era poseedor del cinturón del peso welter, who were the Cuban men Yordenis Ugás.

Pacquiao, 42 years old, has not been boxing since I was pregnant AMB del peso welter al estadounidense Keith Thurman in Las Vegas in July 2019.

Thanks for the AMB by haberme elevated to the rank of super champion and do what is best for the sport. Manny Pacquiao is a lieenda and will always be a champion. His intention was to fight with (Conor) McGregor and now with Ryan (Garcia), but you can not, behind your story, “appropriating a champion”, commented the new belt pusher AMB del peso welter, Yordenis Ugás, and Twitter.

Ugas, 34 years old, world champion champion of lighter weight of 2005, in Mianyang (China), and bronze in the same category in the Beijing Olympic Games-2008.

Tras haber announced wanted to dispute a fight against the Irish superstar of the mixed martial arts (MMA), Conor McGregor, Pacquiao want to direct a fight against the ascending value of the category of leagues, the stadium Ryan Garcia, 21 victories in other combos tantos, between them 18 by KO.

This is the latest announcement this week in social media a proximity bestry ‘Pac-Man‘, which has a political career in Philippines, donde is senador, at the same time as continuous boxing and at the highest level.

The honor of Manny Pacquiao“, posted by Instagram Ryan Garcia, hablando of a “sueño hecho reality” sin precise in which category of people the combat is prevalent.
