Manchester City offers 100 million euros! By Harry Kane

England /

Harry Kane is one of the best leagues in the world in the last years and has the interests and intention of various important clubs of Europe for his services, he has side fiel al Tottenham.

Without embarrassment, I can change to the verona of this 2021, is that right British media, the attacker is in the orbit of Manchester City, which will not dudará in offering a force cantidad by the English.

The diary The image sports publish this January 1 than the Citizens are available to you 100 million of euros a la la Spore, by the complete completion of the 9th of the English selection.

The petition is a direct order of Pep Guardiola, which prepares the last days of Kun Agüero in the blue team and requires an area referent in his titular team.

Kane has contracted until 2023 with the Tottenham y this year is the maximum leader of the team led by José Mourinho.
