Man robbed of $ 500,000 watch in Beverly Hills, reminiscent of trial

The target of a rough daylight robbery outside a diner in Beverly Hills, which produced a $ 500,000 watch – and shot an innocent bystander – told The Post on Friday the horrific ambush.

Shay Belhassen says that during the trap
Shay Belhassen says he grabbed the gun during the ambush and wrestled the thieves to the ground.
Shay Belhassen

Jewelry dealer Shay Belhassen said he was sitting with a client at the well-known hotspot, Il Pastaio, on Thursday afternoon when three armed thieves stepped behind him and made their move to swipe his $ 500,000 Richard Mille watch.

“One of them strangles me from behind with a gun to my head, while the other one grabs my arm, and the third one snatches the watch from my hand,” Belhassen said in a telephone interview with The Post. his RM 11-03 rose gold Flyback Chronograph, a favorite of celebrities like Kanye West and Kevin Hart and tennis star Rafael Nadal.

‘I took a chance and grabbed the gun and wrestled to the ground. “They tried to pull the trigger,” Belhassen said.

Shay Belhassen was wearing this $ 500,000 Richard Mille watch when he was robbed of a gun in Beverly Hills, California.
Shay Belhassen was wearing this $ 500,000 Richard Mille watch when he was robbed of a gun in Beverly Hills, California.
Shay Belhassen

The jewelry dealer made four shots during the struggle, and one of the night snails hit a woman in the leg who was sitting with her boyfriend at the restaurant.

‘I believe one of [the robbers] shot while they were struggling with me on the ground, ”he said. “Eyewitnesses said he was running while holding his stomach. I know there were some bullets fired while we were fighting on the ground. I believe one of them beat him. ”

He added that he liked to escape the robbery with his life.

“They came to shoot. They did not come to play. “There was no fear in their eyes,” he said.
