Man amenaza conductor of carriage with pistol in full via public

Users of social media ensure that Omega is treated with mambero

Santo Domingo.

For its characteristics, users of the social media ensure that the mother Antonio Antonio de la Rosa is treated, better known as “Omega”. Pese a sus esfuerzos, esta redajoni no ha podido confirmmar se tarta artist.

Treat yourself to tez morena man, with a green skin tint and see a white fringe, white long sport pants with red, white tennis and dark loops. Además, light caddis and color vibrations dorado.

The male in travel question in a white Maserati yipeta, plaque G 422321.

The National Police shared on Twitter the video that lasts five seconds and exhorts the cavalry to get involved with the authorities through the visas that are relevant

“Our National Police informs that we will not tolerate the violation of the law or the challenge to the authority, the exhortamos that are committed by the relevant visas”, called the uniform.
