Make videos of Washington DC and choose menus for the position of Joe Biden

Washington DC, Antes of Joe Biden’s Asuncion

A day of position as no other in Washington. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be United States President and Vice President of the United States, a neighborhood market with a deserved capital and occupied by security forces.

The authorities vermaan to the residents of Washington to quedarse en casa to virtually follow the 46th Presidential Position Ceremony of the United States. We also hire a llama for the people not to travel from other states to the capital.

Además del público, the grand individual of the ceremonies will be the salient presidential proponent, Donald Trump. When Joe Biden took his case, Trump and his wife, Washington, continued the tradition of a pacifist power transfer and courtesy.

The Republican multimillionaire is sure to be at his club in Mar-a-Lago, located in the south of Florida, when Biden entered the provisional amphitheater, which was built four years ago on the Capitolio’s escalator. The Republican Planet salir de Washington el miercoles por la manana.

El Ejército patrols Washington's calls across the ascent to the Capitol in the middle of the week
El Ejército patrols Washington’s calls across the ascent to the Capitol in the middle of the week

“To all that he asked, he did not attend the investment ceremony of the 20th year”, he said laconicly in one of his last messages on Twitter, before the social red the indefinitely canceled his account.

De esta manera, Trump converted the president and Andrew Johnson in 1869 and in 1869 he was a successful shareholder.

Following the tradition, the President salutes and the First Lady welcomes the new presidential parish on the eve of the inauguration and will host all the events leading up to the Capitol.

In contrast ,, Vice President Mike Pence will be present.

Since its “insurrection” – as the Biden- against the Congress, the temple of state democracy, the federal capital has been transformed into an atrial city.

Ejército trucks are located in Washington DC
Ejército trucks are located in Washington DC

More than 20,000 effective National Guard-reserve guards – patrol the armed forces. If you are looking for wooden windows and concrete blocks to protect edifices and monuments such as the White House and the Capitol, or to close your vents.

The “National Mall”, a huge explanation that from the Monument to Lincoln to the Capitol, will be closed to the public. Allied thousands of miles of stadiums traditionally congregate to salute their new president.

In exchange, A “campo de banderas” de casi 200.000 pancartas representa de ciudadanos que n asistir.

Joe Biden will chair the presidency of the EUEU
Joe Biden will chair the presidency of the EUEU

The police policy has advertised on repeated occasions that the organization of new attacks armed by extremist extremist groups is real. By this you will be waiting for possible disturbances during this historic day.

For its part, the new president has planned a virtual inauguration ceremony virtually to avoid having to deal with a large contamination focus on covid-19.

From the beginning of his mandate, Biden wants to mark his difference with Trump, the parties will not use a mascara and follow the majority of the means of protection against the epidemic.

The legacy of the new president will be, however, only a moment of television. According to the law, Biden will announce the traditional governing body discourse that will facilitate the need to reconcile the authorities..

The authorities advise that there are plans for new attacks armed by extremist groups
The authorities advise that there are plans for new attacks armed by extremist groups

The star of pop music lady Gaga interpret the classic “Star-Spangled Banner”, the national anthem of the United States and the Latin star Jennifer Lopez create a special number.

For the sake of clarity, Biden plans to host a floral offering at the Tumba of the Unknown Soldier in the Arlington Cement with three of its predecessors and deputies: Republican George W. and Laura Bush, Democrats Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama.

On the regression truck, the new president’s team is approaching one of the buildings of the White House and Biden will be able to walk to his new residence.

More than 20,000 effective National Guard deportees in Washington
More than 20,000 effective National Guard deportees in Washington

In continuation, it is hoped that it will announce its first presidential decisions, of which it has given an adelanto, with the firm of a series of decrees to give a first impulse.

In the wake of the traditional bailouts and concessions that would make the new presidential couple in Washington, this show will be televised, with a special show hosted by the actor Tom Hanks and in what will be hable to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the pantalla.

With AFP information

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