Major League Soccer presents a sober possible paro laboral

La Major League Soccer has a memorandum and all the personal league indications they need to prepare for the ultimate paro laboral.

The document, sent by the President and Deputy Commissioner of the MLS, Mark Abbott, llega antes de fecha limite del 29 enero (medianoche del 28 enero) par negochiar een collectivolle revisado (CBA) entre la MLS y la Associación de Jugadores. If the league follows adelante with its blockade of players, the series will be the first in the history of the circuit.

The memo, which copy was obtained by ESPN, signal: “The limit of 29 of the year is proportional to all the constituents – the League, the clubs and the players – sufficient time to prepare the next time. Without embargo, at this point, we are obliged to plan the possibility of A collective agreement is canceled and a working order is produced. For this purpose, we will contact the orientation clubs regarding the rules that must be followed during such work.

“Let’s be clear, our hope is to reach an agreement and avoid a workaround. We must be prepared in case we do not agree to an agreement. We understand the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has created for families in the United States and Canada, all over the world and in our community in the MLS. If well we are obliged to do so, in the case of a working couple, plans continue to burn medical care and pay medical attention to young people and their families “.

An intention to communicate with MLSPA in order to obtain comments on your behalf.

Both parties have been negotiating the collective agreement since the MLS passed the mayor’s clause on 29 December. The clause, a referendum, allows both parties a 30-day sale to agree on a collective agreement. The clause can be invoked in the event of an economic catastrophe, as provoked by a pandemic. The league that opted for the clause debated the preoccupation with which the relatively slow launch of the COVID-19 vaccine resulted in poor advocates being able to assist with this time-up game. Given the dependence of the MLS on the beginnings of the game day, the failure of the public affectionately affects the finances. The league said it would raise $ 1 million in dollars by 2020, $ 725 million in pandemic death toll.

MLSPA has responded that the MLS has called for the mayor’s fortune for “financial opportunity” in the wake of “financial necessity” and launched the high concessions in June it had a domination effect on the future years, including 2021.

The repertoire of negotiations marks the third year in the last year that both parties have been involved in the CBA talks. Both parties agree to a February entry agreement, but none of the parties has formally ratified the agreement. When the COVID-19 pandemic was announced, the MLS reviewed the negotiations and the parties agreed on a revised agreement in June.

If the sale concludes that a new agreement has been reached, some of the parties will opt out of the collective agreement, even though the MLS is the most likely part of this maneuver. It is possible that the ongoing conversations over the limit are both important and important.

The MLS follows the invocation of the mayor’s force with an offer to the MLSPA on the 5th of January. In order not to record salaries, the MLS will establish a trust in the players who will allow the increase of the salary cap between 2020 and 2021, extending the duration of the agreement by two years until the end of the 2027 term. MLS will have to pay in the league between $ 100 million and $ 110 million in dollars during the CBA’s vigil. It was reported that the MLSPA said about its $ 150 million in concessions that hiccup players in June passed while agreeing to the most recent collective agreement. This agreement also includes a salary cap from 2020 to 2021.

The extension of these years will last from the World Cup of 2026, organized by the United States, Canada and Mexico, a tournament that hopes to accelerate the inversion of the game in North America. For this reason, MLS hopes to reduce its guests, while MLSPA wants to be in a position to maximize its profits.

Las fuentes le dijeron a ESPN that the Union of Players rejects the offer of the league last four. In return, the MLSPA offered to amend the salary cap in the future without any mention of extending the collective agreement.

The parties will meet on Monday night, and the league announced that they have presented a transfer to the MLSPA. Las fuentes dijeron a ESPN that the league is committed to extending the collective agreement for both years, to allow for a rapid increase in the salary cap during the last years of the agreement. When both parties agree to a collective agreement in February, the agreement allows the salary increase to increase from $ 8.49 million to $ 11.64 million during the five-year agreement. That equates to $ 630,600 per year.

Since the league invoked the mayor’s clause, it has conflicting influences on the rhythm of conversations. The league insisted on having more emergencies given that the sale will take place on January 29, while MLSPA insists the league does not represent a restricted limit.

A source with knowledge of the situation today that the league hopes that the MLSPA will present another counter-offer before the deadline.

The MLS training camps are scheduled to open on February 22, and the regular season starts on April 3.
