Maintainers 60 years of age and older qualify for COVID-19 vaccines in the link to an age-based system

AUGUSTA, Maine – Maine will consider coronavirus vaccination for about 200,000 residents between the ages of 60 and 69 from Wednesday and change the priority thereafter to age-only, governments Janet Mills said Friday.

Mainers 50 years and older are eligible for April, 40 and older in May, 30 and older in June and younger Mainers thereafter. The age-based system replaces a previous plan to prioritize adults with underlying conditions, as well as a number of front-line workers after the age of 70 and older who are currently eligible, and would be the only ones in the country exactly like this.

Nirav Shah, director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said Friday that the move to an age-based approach is based on data suggesting that age – even more so than serious underlying medical conditions – is the strongest predictor of serious illness. . Ninety-eight percent of virus deaths in Maine are in people older than 50, he noted. Maine is the oldest state in the country by median age.
