Maine hospitals support new boycott of vaccine seekers after state eligibility

AUGUSTA, Maine – Maine hospitals anticipate new increase in demand for COVID-19 vaccines after government officials announced that residents 60 years and older will receive the next shot, an expansion on a larger population than before is expected.

Friday’s announcement that Maine will switch to an age-based vaccination system is because three out of five principals aged 70 and older have received at least one vaccine dose, while the state of the vaccine allocation is expected to increase and the one-dose Johnson & Johnson- vaccine is likely to be approved by the federal government this weekend.

Appointments have been more readily available to many seniors in Maine over the past few weeks as supply has increased. But the approximately 75,000 people aged 70 and older who have not yet been vaccinated – along with about 180,000 newly eligible Mainers – are likely to lead to an increase in demand that exceeds an even greater supply of vaccines.
