Maine CDC reports 131 new COVID-19 cases, no additional deaths

The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 131 new cases of the new coronavirus on Sunday and no additional deaths, a steady decline in the number of cases as vaccination programs increase.

Despite weather-related delays in vaccines across the country, Maine health officials say earlier planning has avoided major disruption to vaccination schedules. The state will receive up to 14 percent more doses this week and has already given a first dose to nearly 15 percent of its population on Sunday morning.

Maine’s cumulative COVID-19 cases rose to 43,497 on Sunday, of which 34,502 were confirmed by tests and 8,995 are considered probable cases of COVID-19. Hospitalizations dropped to 71 on Sunday.

Six hundred and fifty-eight people have died with COVID-19 since the pandemic began in Maine. The seven-day average of new daily falls was 139.9 on Sunday, slightly higher than Saturday’s 138.4, but only a fraction of its January high.

As of Sunday morning, 199,360 Mainers had received a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 94,767 their second. Of Maine’s 1.3 million population, 14.83 percent received their first dose, according to Maine CDC statistics.

Last week, Northern Light Health announced that a mass vaccination center at the Portland Expo – also currently planned for the age group of 70 years and older – will open on March 2 and will operate on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Despite the increasing availability of vaccines, Maine’s fitness rules are causing confusion and frustration among some senior residents who are wondering when it’s their turn to get a chance. Some states, such as Massachusetts, have adopted a ‘partner’ system where a spouse under the age of suitability with their eligible partner can get a chance.

Maine is not considering adopting such a rule, health officials say, although governments Janet Mills apparently contradicted the clue in a briefing last month.

“If a 71-year-old person appears in a clinic to be vaccinated, they bring their 69- and 10-month-old spouse, then they are unlikely to turn the spouse away because it is effective and medically appropriate to be vaccinated,” said Mills at that point.

Currently, Maine is focused on vaccinating people 70 years and older, health care workers who interact with patients, long-term caregivers, and public safety personnel. Public health officials not only confirmed last week that they were not considering a measurement system, but also Maine’s attorney general Aaron Frey said he would consider sanctions against providers who distribute vaccines to ineligible people.

In some cases, it can hinder attempts to disperse residual vaccines before they become bad. And with fraudsters in some other states forfeiting their identities to leave the vaccine line, Maine hospitals say it is difficult to confirm with certainty that recipients are eligible.

Meanwhile, two employees at Westbrook City Hall tested positive for COVID-19, the city announced Saturday afternoon. The town hall will be closed until March 1 because the building is being deeply cleaned and all staff there are being tested, officials said.

As of Sunday, there were 4,695 coronavirus cases in Androscoggin, 1,257 in Aroostook, 12,228 in Cumberland, 880 in Franklin, 874 in Hancock, 3,548 in Kennebec, 622 in Knox, 566 in Lincoln, 2,157 in Oxford, 3,784 in Penobscot, 244 in Piscataquis, 865 in Sagadahoc, 1,230 in Somerset, 574 in Waldo, 704 in Washington and 9,266 in York.

By age, 15.2 percent of patients were younger than 20, while 18.1 percent were in their twenties, 14.4 percent in their thirties, 13.1 percent were in their 40s, 15.3 percent were in their 50s, 11.7 percent were in their 60s, 6.6 percent were in their 70s, and 5.6 percent were 80 or older.

Of the 71 patients who had COVID-19 Sunday in Maine hospitals, 24 were in intensive care and seven in ventilators. The state has 114 beds available for guard units, of which a total of 386 and 251 fans out of 319 were available. There were also 446 alternative fans.

According to Johns Hopkins University, there were 111.2 million cases of COVID-19 worldwide and more than 2.46 million deaths worldwide on Sunday night. The United States had 28.1 million cases and 498,786 deaths.

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