Magistrates of the TSE denuncian death services | El Salvador News

“I’ve been bitten by an object, the day of aying (domingo) of new deaths, it’s the denunciation of the police”, said Julio Olivo in a radio interview

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) has heard a statement issued this month announcing that some magistrates have received death threats.

In the number 3 of the writings it is stated that, “the violent violations within the market of the electoral process, the 31st year of the current, resulting in 3 injured militants and 2 failed persons, lie to participate in a caravan, as well as the privileges of privatization of the magistrates, titular magistrates and workers of the TSE, and the recent deaths against some magistrates; in addition to enumerating qualified conduct such as “delitos” constituting very contrary to the obligations and objectives established in the electoral lordship for the sympathizers, militants and directors of the political parties legally registered by this authority.

This statement was confirmed by the magistrate Julio Olivo this Monday in an interview with YSKL radio demonstration, “I am aware of its object also, the day of ayer (domingo) of new deaths, it is the denunciation of the police” .

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“While the TSE’s president, Dora Esmeralda Barahona has not received any reprisals from her person, he confirmed Olivo’s denial and dijo,” he said. that he has the object of amenazas ”.

In the communiqué dice “some magistrates”, without embarrassment, in an interview with Radio Sonora this March the magistrate said that other magistrates had received death threats.

“I was surprised when it turned out that he had an object of use because he had plural, he wanted to say that only a magistrate had arranged,” said the Barahona magistrate, who explained that he did not participate in the communication of the communication.

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Regarding the attacks on militants by the FMLN, the magistrate said that he could not catalog that there was a high level of political violence, and that the corresponding authorities would be involved in the attack, as he was called to the political parties to respect the law, the equity and opinions of all the people.
