Maduro’s regime rebukes Alex Saab for not cooperating with United States authorities and is extradited

In the image, the killer of Maduro's regime, Jorge Arreaza.  EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archive
In the image, the killer of Maduro’s regime, Jorge Arreaza. EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archive

The cancellation of the regime of Nicolás Maduro Advice to Alex Saab, the Colombian emperor and supreme tyrant of the dictator who finds himself under arrest in Cape Verde, for not cooperating with the authorities in the case of execution being extradited to North American countries. The information, which was obtained by the Reuters agency, was obtained from a document presented in a court by the detainees’ lawyers.

Saab, arrested in June in Cape Verde by a Royal Interpol alert, has been charged in United States with money laundering. hechos of corruption at the time of regulating the contracts of nutritionists destined for the food subsidy program administered by the regime, known as CLAP.

According to the United States, between November 2011 and September 2015 Saab and its company Álvaro Enrique Pulido are confusing with others to make their e-banks and transfers from Venezuela to state bank accounts, motivated by the fact that Washington has jurisdiction. An official of the Gobierno estadounidense indicated in July 2019 that with the CLAP the Colombian emperor and three hysterics of Maduro lucraron, on the other hand, with “tens of millions of dollars”.

In a presentation to the judiciary by the District Court of the District of Florida, Saab’s lawyers argued that there should be no fugitive from the judiciary because the governor of Venezuela has named a “special envoy” in 2018.

Alex Saab, Super Facilitator
Alex Saab, Super Facilitator

The lawyers included a card that the regime’s killer, Jorge Arreaza, sent to Saab on July 1, when he was detained in Cape Verde. The official was referred to him as the “Special Envoy to the Islamic Republic of Iran” and signaled that Saab had information considered “classified” by Venezuela.

“In case of being extradited to the United States, you will be pressured by any method, legitimate or not, for the revelation of information”, writes Arreaza. ‘You are subject to the Venezuelan laws and are obliged to maintain the highest levels of secrecy, confidentiality and loyalty with respect to the classified information you possess”, Agregó.

The Venezuelan Ministry of Information did not respond to a request for comment by the agency.

At the time of his arrest, Saab is heading to Iran to negotiate combative and humanitarian summit proceedings in Venezuela, where it will presumably adhere to Reuters. His plane was detained in Cape Verde to recover from combustible.

Iran is sending more than 2 million barrels of combustible this year to help resolve the gasoline crisis in Venezuela, which is fueling many United States sanctions.

Saab is in a state of disarray in the North American country. March 4, the Barlavento Appeal Tribunal determined -al equal to the tribunal of first instance- that this should be the destination of the Colombian.

Alex Saab and Cape Verde
Alex Saab and Cape Verde

The latest notice refers to the legal situation of Saab where the juveniles were located, when the same court authorized his domicile. ‘Intermediate release orders are being produced following the presentation of an adequate life by the penal authorities, and (Saab) will continue to carry out the extradition process at this time.”, Señala the document, which goes back to previous years on the same page.

On 30 November, the Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Económica de Estados de Africa Occidental (CEDEAO), bloque regional al que pertenece Cabo Verde, había dictaminado un cambio en el regamsen de encarceliento del accusado para que pudiese teneri acces, abogados doctors give their supuestos health problems.

Following Saab’s defense, its customer’s state of health is “debilitated” by a “existing cancer condition”, Del que no se han ofrecido mayores detalles.

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