Madre del ‘Morro’ García signals the person responsible for the tragic death of his wife: ” There is no way to explain ” – Diez

Claudia Corea is the mother of Santiago García, Uruguayan footballer who was found alive on Saturday in his department in the city of Mendoza, Argentina.

The problems that arrest Santiago ‘Morro’ Garcia

The woman traveling next door with other of her houses to the location of the ‘Morro’ velocity and burnt her testimony to the tax authorities Claudia Ríos. With deep sadness, there is a line of pressure on the responsibility of the President of the Godoy Cruz, José Mansur, for the fatal decision that tomo su hijo.

” We are dealing with the illusions of my life before a handful of graces to Mansur ”, launched the mother of the exdelantero, ensuring that the contractual situation of Garcia, which has been separated from the team, was decisive in its death.

” Mansur lo iba a hacer correr por el pasto durante seis meses y eso es lapidario para emotion, la estima y el deport ”, señaló Correa. ” Santiago’s peso increased depending on whether company or contract; she was depressed. No tenia enthusiasm for what hacía porque estaba solo nie. Le digo a Mansur que así la vida no es. Have more respect for the other ”, ‘added.

‘It’s true that there is no song of despair, manosearlo and humillarlo. I’m in Carilo taking his vacations and I’m sure to send him his condolences ”, assuring the mother of ‘Morro’.

” Mansur hizo the declaration that I hija was a negative leader and must have limped; I would like to say that it was a chiquilin who helped to all the gurus who met and never failed to respect him ”, aggregate Claudia.

Hallaron duro message in the cell of Morro Garcia

‘You can not be a leader. Lamentably there is a problem of personal interaction that the chicos have that supportive, passionate, self-centered ego and you can not pull down ”, manifesto.

Murió for a deal

Do not enter the plans of the Godoy Cruz, Garcia wanted to regress to the National of Montevideo. As if he were talking to his mother: ” I called him the moon for my companions and I said that he was sitting at home, but Mansur told him to give him another 50% of his time, which he called Daniel Fonseca all alone , that I have miles of dollars to pay for the steps I never paid. I know that Santiago is desperate for iron and it has very poor hair. And in this pandemic we have not been able to cruise ever to Buenos Aires or Mendoza ”.

For the most part, Korea recognizes that the ‘Morro’ entered the race at the Argentine club. If the person wants it, always respect it and say it all by the shirt. Santiago loves city, team and dogs. When it comes to depression, it’s something that one has to say: ‘It’s sad’. She was depressed, she was treated and Mansur as president of the club tendría that has tomado the things of another way. I was hurt by a deal. There are people who live to make money with the abilities of other people ”, he said.
