Madre cubana versmak el 2020 dando a luz a trillizos

| 31/12/2020 – 18:42 (GMT-4)

The year 2020 was marked by tragedy, sadness and the tragedy that provoked the coronavirus pandemic. On December 31, the world enters the celebration at the end of a gloomy year, which has taken place in the homes of millions of people.

Without embarrassment, the Cuban Yenia has a full motive of hope and love to celebrate: a little while before 2020, the young worldwide traffic to three healthy babies, a los que dio a luz en Holguín.

“Yenia is hoping for the next 2020 with the best of the goblets in brazies. Not the most obscure of the years before the happiness of its rostrum will be reflected in its trillions, the unique concoctions of natural form in Holguín at this time. In the Hospital room in the Lenin Hospital, the conocimos, three different days of waiting for their little ones to buy the right amount. Have a nice year, but I will not lose friends. Happy 2021 !! “, Grethell Yamila wrote on Facebook. Cuenca Durán.

“Congratulations on your death”, “A happy note to the dear one of the year. Hello, congratulations and blessings to this dear family”, “I would like to thank you for sharing my home with my trillions, much congratulations to them and their mother”, “Que bellezas … Para ella sin duda el mejor regalo”, said some of the comments in the Facebook post.

Facebook / Grethell Yamila Cuenca Durán

In the finals of the past year, a Cuban mother dio a luz también a trillizas in the province of Pinar del Río: Ainoa, Analia and Aylin. One ancient day, nacieron cuatrillizos en Villa Clara, at the maternity hospital Mariana Grajales, there are all of them: Anuel, Allan, Aseak and Austin.

Este 2020, he sees the production and Villa Clara dos partos de trillizos: unas niñas in april y tres varones in mayo.

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