MacKenzie Scott’s house with Dan Jewett, a schoolteacher

(CNN Business) – The philanthropist MacKenzie Scott, one of the richest people in the world, wanted to get rid of his divorce in 2019 from Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos.

Seattle Master Dan Jewett reconciles his matrimony with Scott this week at the end of the web page for the Giving Pledge parish, a philanthropic organization that aligns with the richest people in the world to dedicate the mayor to his wealth and benefit causes.

“I live with one of the most generous and amiable people I know, and I agree with her in a compromise to transmit an enormous wealth of money to serve the demons,” Jewett wrote. “I hope the crime and the apprenticeship is related to how part of this business with MacKenzie”.

MacKenzie Scott

MacKenzie Scott is dating Dan Jewett.

The diary The Wall Street Journal gave information about first time about matrimonio el domingo. His biography on Amazon also signaled that Scott “lives in Seattle with his four children and his wife, Dan.”

The matrimony is produced after Scott and Bezos divorced a bond of 25 matrimony. The divorce agreement converts to one of Tierra’s richest people, and currently has a fortune of $ 53,000 million, according to Forbes, after receiving a quarter of Bezos’ shares.

MacKenzie Scott donated miles of millions of dollars as part of a plan to donate the mayor his fortune. In December, for example, donated 4,200 million dollars to 384 organizations.

In a statement on the Giving Pledge website, Scott said his philanthropic plans had not been changed.

«My focus on philanthropy will be reflective. Tomará time, effort and care. Pero no esperaré. Y seguiré haciéndolo hasta la la caja fuerte esté vacía », dijo.

Dan Jewett indicates that the plan follows his example. Dijo has the intention to bring down the mayor’s part of his wealth.

“He’s master of the mayor’s part of my life, as well as a graduate student of the generosity of women me rodean”, said in the publication Giving Pledge. “It is important to do everything possible to follow his example in transmitting resources of all kinds, since that time has the energy and the material positions, when they are held to give”.
