Maagd, March horoscope March 16, 2021 | Virgo Horoscopes

With the Luna transiting your case of the journeys, this day is of interest to you in the transformation and you will study something new for it, take the investigator’s initiative this title, this course, you will open your mind.

Pronostic of the day
With Neptune in sextile to Jupiter, however much you may intend to visualize as if you were logged in, this is unavoidable for creating those things.

With Venus in sextile to Pluto, creative, imaginative, intuitive, you will find these talents in your future, the day of high not too engaging, teens all to create what you propose.


With Acuario in case 6, your circulatory system can activate your tangent torrent, learn to enjoy cardio in the air and consume betabel and tomatoes.

You will be creative in your work and you will be able to organize team integration activities. It is unthinkable to do this while being able to break the routines and consolidate the working relationship. After all, there is entertainment, including food. Waterfall in the workhouse.

With Libra in your cash register, inversions with others can be affected and the personal relationship lost. Geen always results favorecedor associate, pienzalo sal veces, puedes perder mucho dinero.


Couple prediction
Pisces in your case of the parish and Mercury in Pisces sharing sign, the successful conversation of amorous form, is an important transit to define the future, planar, matizarlo and some form of vision. Good moment to talk about family.

Sexual energy:
With Aries in your sex house, you like fantasies, surprises, you like to play a sad game.

Amor: Leo, Ram, Sagitario
Amistad: Libra, Capricornio, Virgo
Laboral: Acuario, Piscis, Tauro

Wenk del día
Well accept the difficulties that the new comers train for you, tie the opportunity to move to learn something new and connect with the originality with what you want to be unique. Marte making trigon to Saturn.

Baño para atraer la buena suerte y fortuna
