Maagd, March horoscope April 13, 2021 | Virgo Horoscopes

Your house 8 af Aries teniendo al Sol, Venus y Mercurio dentro te van a estar proporionande mucha luz y sensibilidad para entender tus cossios de cambios y transformaciones que puedas estar teniendo y llevando a cabo en tu vida de dia de hoy; so that you will be utilized and benefited from this influence and find a little depth in your interior and your emotions.

Pronostic of the day
The opportunities to be present at the gate of your professional activities are thanks to the energy that Marte has in your house 10 in the sign of Gemini. You will develop a positive lead in your relationships and in your intellectual capacity in such a way that you can find good opportunities to succeed in the professional camp that you develop.

The changes and processes that will take place in the routine of being obsessed with a few thanks to the fact that Pluto is undergoing a transformation in their tastes and in the activities that they enjoy and want to be in Capricorn in your house 5; is going to trace a mind more open to new experiences that you can enjoy and where you can find new tastes and places; solo fluye y expand your mind.


Saturn in Acuario in your case 6 can have stars saying that good series that procures a good ingestion of Calcio and that Saturn governs the skeleton in our body and you have to keep this planet in front of your case 6 you can activate your stupidity in your part organism. The sunny light of the amanecer haste antes del media día te puede ayudar a fijar el calcio en tus huesos.

The Internet will allow you to read sites where you may have imagined that you will be immersed in your work thanks to the energy of Jupiter in Aquarium. This planet is favored extensively in foreign communications and transit routes by which a medium where much work is going on is via the internet.

Tien fe en que los cambios que se han podido haber produced in tu forma trabajar o in tu ambiente sonal son para meire pues Libra en tu casa 2 connecting with Venus en Aries en casa 8 nos hable de que las laborale relations se han transformado y now is the time of a new way; adapt to it and see that you can enjoy greater generosity only quoting the costumes old and open to the new.


Couple prediction
A person as practical as you could have missed a contact with the most helpful and healthy contact that the element signs Agua poseen; and the diligence and service that interest Piscis its qualities that values ​​and of those qualities are attractive to those who find these characteristics in persons that you want to be close to what parity your couples need to be.

Amor: Tauro, Virgo and Capricornio.
Amistad: Cancer, Scorpio and Piscis.
Work: Cancer, Scorpion and Fish.
Sexual Energy: very good.

Wenk del día
If the emotions of frustration and angst that you can create your academic future will be sober, then there will be a step forward in obtaining knowledge that is more specialized and effective for your professional work; only the passion is that Urano in conjunction with the Luna can be provoking a sobriety and stress spread to your studies. Date a meditation time to relax slowly and be able to proceed with your studies.
