Luz Elena González shows off her figure from a Jacuzzi, El Siglo de Torreón

Mexican actress Luz Elena González surpassed her social media followers in showing off her relationship session from a jacuzzi.

Putting between the water without a rape and giving his men discovered, even as part of his pierces, the jalisciense of 46 years of ‘sang’ to his public on Instagram with the post he shared the day of ayer.

“Ustedes saben lo que amo cuidarme y consentem y hoy no fue la exception. Cuando empiezas por amarte y valorarte todo tu entorno cambia, no permits que nadie te quite la paz y la tranquilidad. Tomato un momento, respira y agradece cad minute de tu live “, González added in the post that more than 21 miles ‘me gusta’ is at the moment.

The current model is currently with more than one million 300 million followers on its profile of the social network.
