Luz Elena González confesses ‘horrible contagious’ in his house

Luz Elena González is on the list of coronavirus contagious diseases. Traverses of sus social networks, the conductor of the compartment came to inquire about the illness.

“Quería platicarles que tengo COVID”, says …

“I’m contagious in my house one of the domestic service personnel. I’m sick and have no opinion that I feel bad. In these two days I am counted and deservedly in these contact days with other persons, other persons of the house staff. , and these staff members contact me … ”, commented.

Luz Elena González confesses that you COVID-19

Unfortunately, the actress confirmed that there was no such thing as a virus virus.

“Contagiaron a mis suegros, que nosotros los veiamos, nosotros por cuidado y Resulta que par de décuido de una persona, pues por la falten de conscien de no trabajo ‘sabes que estoy mal, tengo un pocco de gripa no sabemos what can be ‘. Unfortunately, contact with various people is due to the fact that contact also occurs when he is with his family, he has a horrible contact chain … he is very funny… ”, comment.

Regarding the symptoms and how he passed the quarantine, Luz Elena confessed that he had a very difficult process and that he had many very complicated days.

“The world is what it sees in the sixth day”.

“Nee, hy het sentido nada bien, a mí si me toco un poco fuerte porque he tenido todos sintomas, menos tempera. Perdí el olfato, perdí el gusto, sude muchisimo. Mojaba la ropa de tanto sudor, la cama, el dolor “Cuerpo is horrible, it’s super strong. It’s never felt like anything because of the force that it’s worth.

Luz Elena González

Luz Elena González tuvo COVID-19

Finally, the conductor of 46 years, confirms that his family is doing well, then no result will be transmitted by the virus.

“My aislé lo antes posible, nos aislamos mucho todos” …

“Thank you to God for my love and kindness for not being contagious, and the person who helped us in the work of Tampo, thank you to God for what we did with us here in Acapulco …”, concluded the TV actress.

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The new COVID-19 chain continues to be extended worldwide. Gypsy and Google News and information.
