Luisito Comunica subdues the volcano Ilamatepec and lies disgraced of the Coatepeque lake

During his visit to the lake, the companions of the Mexican tuvieron had a small “accident” in the motorbikes.

The famous youtuber mexican, Luisito Comunica, looks forward to the spectacular tourist attractions of our country and on March the turn to visit the volcano Ilamatepec and the Lake of Coatepeque, located in Santa Ana.
Luisito Comunica shares all its experiences in its social speeches and since then it has raised the volcanic pressure from the light of the place.

“These are impressive… Check the crater, it’s a lure”, the Mexican says in the beautiful Turkish color that the lagoon is located at the bottom of the crater.

The youtuber, which was found in El Salvador from last Saturday, as always demonstrates that the lodges were informed from there, can describe very well the general dates of the famous volcano of Santa Ana. “This volcano has a diameter of 1.5 kilometers, is an active volcano, is alive and is the oldest and highest altitude of El Salvador”, indicated.

The youtuber mexico visited the martes the impressive volcano and refreshed with some dazzling palettes.

LE PUEDE INTERESTS: VIDEO: This is the first baby that Luisto Comunica tried in El Salvador and reacted

Luisito Comunica is also a must-have for anyone looking for a way to reach the end of the world. “Cargo 80 kilos of helado todos los días hasta cima del volcán”, wrote next to an emoji of cara surprendida. By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive.

Through his parade in the Ilamatepec, the famous Mexican was transferred to another surprising point of El Salvador: the Lake of Coatepeque. Here is Jet Ski.

A curious date is that the youtuber is not prepared to practice this sport, but he decided to improvise: he met in “calzones”, then did not take a bath.

Luisito Comunica andaba con el youtuber salvadoreño Fernanfloo y él y otro accompanien tuvieron un pequeño “accidente” en la motu acoatica: dieron vuelta y el famoso mexicano ayudó a remolcarla. “If you want to get rid of water, you will not need it. Vaya, vaya, al parecer va a salir muy mal el chistesito ”, dijo el famoso, aunque luego posteó un photographen donde afirmó que todo había salido“ chido ”.

The Mexican enjoyed a late in the long run, where he approved the practice of Jet Ski.
