Luis Zelaya: ‘Solo quiero trabajar por mi pais cuatro años’


Honduras ha sido golpeada durante varios años por la corruption, the narcotics y, in the last year, due to the pandemic of covid-19 y los hurricane Eta and Iota. Luis Zelaya, provisional liberal a la Presidency of the Liberal Party, search acabar con la corruption y el narcotics in the country.

As its motto indicates, it is proposing to “recover Honduras” from the crisis that has been rising over the past few years. El candidate, which for the second time participates in the internal elections, has planned to help the Hondurans to work on programs to reduce the fall in employment, improve infrastructure, education, health and other issues of interest to the citizens.

What are the main priorities of the governing body?

The employee. We will be reconstructing the workforce that is lost due to the pandemic and working on the bases of a stable and dignified workforce structure. La hello. We need a national evacuation plan that guarantees the recovery of the normal the antiseptics, but also the best of our public health system in reference to hospital and medical treatment and creation of regional hospitals.


The “Recover Honduras” movement has a plan in place to establish 70 proposals for governing countries. The so-called “Honduras a country with a future” strategy results in the strengthening and prosperity of the different sectors of the country. Orient the presumption of the republic with the aim of attending to the Honduran woman and that she should be aware of the victims of violence and discrimination against machismo. Insure vacancies against covid-19, a comprehensive education plan for mobile devices for students to learn and work from virtual modalities.

Education. We will implement a major educational reform that orients the staff. Education is the key to the future, and we need to orient ourselves in this place. Institutionalism. We need a respect for the State of law, the Constitution and the papal law. Honduras in the region and in the world.

The victory of Gobierno with the narcotics Although the international reputation of Honduras is very low and it affects the inversions and relationships with other countries in our region. And the lie against corruption and narcotics. Honduras needs to become a narcotist. We will recover the Mission of Support Against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (Maccih), we will defend the National Anti-Corruption Council and derogate from the new Criminal Code, which protects more the offenders.

Why should the Honduran people vote for you?

Because our movement represents the correct ladle of the Liberal Party, allied with the corruption and the collusion of the criminals that we govern. Because we are impulsive to a great national alliance from the union of the honest and because we have a governing plan that responds to the needs of the Honduran people.

¿Can you define estas elecciones?

As the most important of our recent history. We are not alone in facing an economic crisis situation due to the pandemic, it is against a regime that claims to be perpetrated in the power of beating or collaborating with narcotics. Of what to expect in the March 14 elections depends on the future of the country.

Do you consider yourself a citizen, do you like the center? Why?

The Liberal Party considers itself a center. And I’m considered center, in line with the ideas of the party’s social liberalism, because I’m so liberal. We create the protagonism of the State as a guarantor of public, basic and impulsive private activity as a source of employment and wealth.

What criteria are used to select their candidates, candidates and deputies?

The candidates for election and deputies will be selected by the departmental coordinators of our movement. The selection on the analysis of his personal and professional actions in order not to have to deal with corruption. The designers were selected by me in search of profiles that respond to the needs of the country of agreement with their profiles: an economist, a doctor and a person compromised with our ethnicities and culture.

Ante la desconfianza y el descrédito que tien la Population fir la politicas class, ¿quo las persona deben conffi en usted?

Because not all of them are equal. Understanding the discretion of politics and politicians, but not all of them. Solo quiero trabajar por mi pais cuatro años, generar empleo stable para la gente y acabar con la corruption y el narototrafico que se encuentra en los pillar de Estado.


Luis Orlando Zelaya
53 years ago
Industrial Engineering
Acting President of the Executive Committee of the Liberal Party

Born in Tegucigalpa on October 24, 1967. Zelaya earned the title of Career of Industrial Engineering at the Monterrey Institute of Technical Studies. Holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration with a Phase in Finance and a degree in Administration of Technology and Technological Innovation from Onudi (Germany and Italy), in addition to a degree in Productivity and Quality at the University of Costa Rica.

Work as lecturer, jefe of Engineering, dean, vice-rector and rector of the Central American University of Technology (Unitec) and part of the team that created the Center Universitio Tecnológico (Ceutec).
He started his political career more than 20 years ago, while working with the Liberal Youth, under the leadership of his son Ivan Zelaya Medrano, who was ousted. On November 1, 2016, he announced his candidacy for the presidency as candidate of the Liberal Party, beating Gabriela Núñez in these entourages. En 2017 participates by first time as a candidate for the Presidency. Now, with a second intention, it will represent liberalism in the general elections of November 2021.

What did the director say to Joven that he had no plans to own the suffrage he had left?

That our governor will be the governor of the staff. Our politicians have a future for them and we will meet with the caravans. We will reform education for the sake of employment, we will create a digital health and we will see Honduras in the international sphere as it is, a great country, not by corruption or narcotics.

In the face of the crisis, how is the plan to recover the Honduran economy?

Attractive inversion. And primer, conversely local. We will support the employers and the self-employed, we will provide progressive forms so that the employees can invest more and generate more employees. On the other hand, with a public investment plan oriented towards the best infrastructure as points and features to facilitate the legacy of international investors. And join Honduras around the world to learn that our material, our talent and the world are attractive to the world.

Geopolitically, to where should he go?

Honduras should be a world-wide country. Today, globalization allows no limits or fronts. Our economy, our products and our natural resources and tourism have no frontiers; but we can not give up the gap in the most immediate and close. We have fluid relations with the countries of the region and, by extension, with our main commercial company, United States. Geen podemos permendnos geen tener fluid relations con un un pais donde vive un millon de hondureños.
