Luis Vargas kry solidarity of miles of his followers and some fellow colleagues

Solidarity is being demonstrated with the clerk Luis Vargas, who at the moment is the most anguishing of his life because one of his fiancés intervenes surgically.

Miles of his followers and various colleagues of the genius of the amargue, between Elvis Martínez and El Chaval de la Bachata, express themselves in these moments of supremacy.

“Everything is fine with your friend, with God for Delight”, published Elvis Martinez about the post in which Luis Vargas made a song of thanks for the salute of his brother, Luisito.

Mientras, El Chaval asked what happened to Luisito? and aggregated “that God has the recovery”.

Rosa Lee’s bachelor was summed up in the words: “Que Dios lo cubra y le pase su mano sanadora”.

Among the more than 4,400 messages, of persons united in the orades of the “Rey Supremo” also figure communicators such as Ramón Pastrano: “We agree with the oracions of the salute of thy hij, amen”.

+ Situation

Luis Vargas’ henchman was hospitalized while being treated for a quarantine operation, and the veterinarian paid him an oracle for his recovery.

“I have an oration of all my friends and superiors, who are the most faithful of God, they always accompany me in all good things, but I also have the things that are not good at this moment, I can only pray to God for me.” hiju Luisito, pido cadena de amor y oración para mi hijo Luisito, estamos contigo hijo, ánimo salta monte “, wrote Luis Vargas on his Instagram.

The night of the Saturday, he said, “unexpectedly my wife Luisito was operating surgically at a Connecticut hospital, EE.UU.”

The doctor does not specify the reasons for the medical intervention.

One of its messages states that “here we are taking the time to try to be able to meet you”.

Since one week, state authorities have had a coronavirus-negative test to enter their territory, which is why the doctor and his wife are traveling to Connecticut.
