Luis Muñoz Marín Airport will provide molecular tests for passengers

An acuerdo between Aerostar and the laboratory firm CMT Group Corp. allows to establish a series of centers of the collection of prue bass for COVID-19 and to establish the airport of Luis Muñoz Marín. This will enable the passengers entering and leaving the island to comply with the standards imposed by the governor of Puerto Rico and other jurisdictions, informs Jorge Hernández, CEO of Aerostar Puerto Rico, airport operator.

“The tendency to travel through different destinations requires negative tests to allow access, free quarantine, to travelers. The industry of promotional aviation is required to send its passengers a negative result to COVID-19 before boarding the aircraft. For some reason, we are preparing to give Brindarle passengers an additional alternative to the service of fast tests of antigens and molecules within the same airway with results in less than 48 hours, as to those who enter the room of Puerto Rico ”, said the CEO of Aerostar Puerto Rico.

This is an explanation that will be established three centers of collection of tests for COVID-19 The cargo of the experimental company of laboratories CMT Group Corp. The first ones to be operated in terminal A and in C. The third will be opened in a second phase. In this mode, the passengers will tend, initially, the facilities a short distance from their points of departure. These are operated on weekdays from the 6th of the month to the 12th of Madrugada. Eventually, the service could expand to 24 hours a day.

The sample collection centers will be located in development and it is estimated that the start of operations in the month of February. The result of the molecular tests is available in a maximum period of 24 to 48 hours depending on the time at which the measure and the antigen are realized in approximately 30 minutes to one time.

The recommendation:

“The COVID-10 will continue in our lives for the longest time and we will resume operations in a responsible and secure manner. Facilitating access to the site is a quick test result and is an important step. In this way, we can help incentivize the flow of visitors, including our families in the diaspora, reducing the risk of contact in the island, ”Hernández said.

“The establishment of this alliance with the airport complements the objectives. For one thing, we’ll provide an alternative for visitors to present a negative test in Puerto Rico to reduce potential contact. In addition, we will continue the economic development, facilitate the access to the trial and try to get a result in a short period of time, be provided with an additional attraction for the visitor “, said Dr. Otegbola Ojo, CEO of CMT Group Corp. , specialists in clinical laboratory and occupational health.

The cost of the test will be $ 110. The person can apply for a refund to their insurance company, in case this test is performed in Puerto Rico.

Laboratories are meeting in the development of a digital platform that can be accessed by passengers from before arriving in Puerto Rico. This will generate a code (QR Code) that will allow the visitor to receive the results of the test and read the necessary forms to comply with governmental norms. In addition, you will find all types of information about the destination traced to a different site.

As part of the actual Executive Order, issued by the Governor, all visitors have to read a negative test carried out within a period of 72 hours, before its entry. Do not make it, you have to compromise it in a local laboratory and, while not getting the result, it needs to be fixed in quarantine. Opt for not taking the test, even if you have a quarantine of 14 days. With this initiative, those who did not carry out the test beforehand, can carry it out on their own at the same airport, one of the test centers that initiated its operations. In the same way, Puerto Rican travelers will be able to reach other cities in advance of the trial, previewing their salaries at some of CMT Group Corp.’s facilities. Alrededor de la isla o antes de abordar el avion, in one of the centers that will soon operate in the terminals of the airport.

CMT Group Corp. introduced 40 years ago in the industrial laboratories and salud ocupacional. It has an integrated network with eight sample testing centers around Iceland and a reference laboratory. Equally, we provide direct services to customers and private clients.
