Luis Miguel could be asked to pay his pension

The tension that lives Aracely Arámbula and Luis Miguel on the payment of their pension vuelve a estar sober la mesa, luego de que elogado de la actress de confirmed that the song has more than one year without paying any obligation. “From the finals of 2019 and the principles of 2020, the Arámbula will have a full load of guests that will be used for all of their activities,” Guillermo Pous indicated. Agrego that, by noting an agreement between both parties, the alternative of asking for interpretation would be contemplated. Además de eso, revelo las crunstancias bajo las se se llevarían las legal actions en contra de ‘El Sol’.

Aracely Arámbula© @ aracelyarambula
Aracely Arámbula is the mother of Miguel and Daniel, the fruit of his relationship with ‘El Sol’

In an interview with Ventaneando (TV Azteca) In addition to the fact that his client only visited the guests of his houses, and that he was aggravated by the pandemic, then the laboratory panorama was unstable. “Regularly, this is the most obligatory thing to do on a regular basis, without embarrassment, most recently due to the complicated situation that does not exist in the living space with which ”.

Luis Miguel© @ lmxlm
The lawyer of Aracely Arámbula makes sure that the singer does not pay the pension of the children of one year ago

We also comment that Luis Miguel’s lawyer is the communication point between the parties and that he does not facilitate the issues. “Who is the filter for logging ten communication with the lord Gallego (Luis Miguel) is his defender the licensed Heredia”, said. “If he has not been logged in, he will be barred by what he has absolutely certainty that he has a negative (to pay the pension) or simply does not enter the omit, but with whom he communicates exclusively with his lawyer, the licensed Heredia ”.

Pous fue questionado acerca de que síy una raazon por la cual el cantante no quiera pagar, a lo que respondi lo siguiente: this moment ”.
