Luis Enrique Guzmán destapa romance met Paulina Rubio ¡y cuenta detalles!

The story of how many years ago he speculated about the strong rivalry between Paulina Rubio and Alejandra Guzmán, fue el hermano de la ‘Reina del Rock’ quien confesó que a romance with Paulina and no contuvo in los details.

Luis Enrique recorded his youth era in the musical ‘Vaselina’ and commented on the relationship he had with ‘La Chica Dorada’, “I have a relationship with Paulina… since the days of ‘Vaselina’ and then in ‘Vaselina’ we will see another time and sí anduvimos bien pero acabamos mal.

Luis Enrique also counts the reasons for those who terminate mal, “Ves que también Pau no es tan facile de… no es una chica facilit de complacer y demás (risas)”.

luis enrique guzmán interview paulina rubio

The German of ‘La Guzmán’ details a fundamental part of termination of his relationship, “Además has many ‘friends’, many friends, as well as the dice ella. Pau ya traía muy adelantado el rollo, pues yo todavía estaba más chavito, y ella traía a todo mundo comiendo de la mano. Do what you want with all the world ”, explained in an interview with ‘Ventaneando‘.

This is what you say about your romance with Paulina Rubio:

We remember that hostile between Alejandra and Paulina habría comenzado when the rocker launched his theme ‘Hey Güera ‘, making a reference to ‘La Chica Dorada’, by which she responds to the theme ‘Mío’ and these two themes are dedicated to Erik Rubín.

luis enrique guzmán y alejandra guzmán familia

In March 2020, ‘Pau’ and ‘La Guzmán’ habrían alistado una gira entre ambas, and you can read the video of the theme ‘Ni Tú Ni Nadie’, which interpret a duet, although this ya nee is realized can you keep going sin limar asperezas and no supporter would work juntas in fake tantas, although presumably the habrían pagado very well haberla realized.
