Luis Cruz reveals undisciplined in the Vida: extras in discos and answers for Nerlin Membreño – Diez

In the midst of a frustrating move in the wake of the triumph, his empathy and a derrota in what is the Torneo Clausura 2021, the president of Vida, Luis Cruz, finally puso orden en la casa llevándose de encuentro a dos futranistas extranjeros: el delantero argentino Mauro Bustamante y el centrocampista colombiano Julián Mendoza.

Según reveló el propio Cruz interviewed in DIEZ, the footballers were separated by bad returns and indiscipline, acts that were not tolerated within the meaning of the Directive.

Además, refirió al caso del Coach Nerlin Membreño from what day it was clear that “we will have the answer to what the better things” ante the presumta llegada of the Portuguese technician Fernando Mira who reads as support and increases the reserve project.

What is reflected in the table on the floor of the promoter: How does this turn out to be?

The situation we live in is not the best, we will reform to play the tournament, but the results will not be as we hope. We came playing well, but the games were complicated for us. We are not doing any bad work, but the results are not ours.

With all that, how did you decide to sign the contract of Mauro Bustamente and Julián Mendoza?
We have a mutual agreement, we hope more of the players, because here we think that I will contribute more footballistically, but we will agree with them and we will have to sell the institution.

Why are we disciplined, is it or is it just sports?
Yes, on a part of them for the purpose of conducting them. On a principle (Bustamante) with lesions, we hope more than one month and finally we will make the decision because it is not salvageable for the group when the demas are part of the day and the trainings and those living there.

Far: New cases of coronavirus in the Real Sociedad previo a la jornada 8 del Torneo Clausura 2021

What are these foreign footballers celebrating?
Have fun with the team, tenia informer that habien un par de jugadores que staban saliendo par las nights a discotecas, que no se staban cuidando; at the end it was confirmed and at the moment no son is more than part of the institution.

Julian Mendoza and Mauro Bustamante, two of the most experienced football players in the Vida

Have national players involved or only extras?
There is no national, but at the end of the day everything depends on the situation that is happening. The ones we find in this situation are separate from the group.

Is this a sanction for example and what is happening in the team?
Hemos venido jugando bien, luego se nos complica y no hemos logograd the objective of being at the point, but in the group nothing is defined. All the equipment is in the same situation between the last and first place, there is nothing clear.

Usted lo dice, -no hay nada claro-, ¿pero ve al Vida levantándose ante Marathón?
To do this we work day and night, we have a good plant and good quality players. The same part that we lost before Marathon lost goals of goal, we hope that the best results and we can define because this year we have mated by it.

Title holder of the Vida in one of his encounters in the Honduras National League

What kind of passion does the tendon have for the DT Nerlin Member with so many rumors of his death?
Mis respaldos hacia el trabajo de Nerlin Membreño han sido al cien por ciento. I have all the slides with him, if the results are not the ones we hope for, then the responsibility is not the sole responsibility of the coach, if the players have not shown the return that we hope. We would like to see Vida empezando a ganar después de ocho jornadas sin triunfo.

Discussing that the question is frankly, why did Nerlin ultimately lose Marathon in the event?
Nee, geen has an ultimatum, but continuity and power are the results and it is clear; nosotros lo hemos hablado, hemos hecho una inversion para pelear en el torneo, ne para estar in esta situation, pero es un process, apenas lleva comu cuatro o cinco mes en elipo, le vamos a dar el respaldo para que las cosas mejoren.

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Was it communicated with Martín “Tato ‘García?
In a moment of trouble with him, Nerlin sabe … -not only the offer or the day that he would like to come to Vida, we want salvarlo, we are desperate-. En verdad hablamos con él, le preguntamos cuanto era era costo su su technico, pero hasta allí.

¿Y Manuel Keosseian?
Solo fueron gerugte, no sé quién es y nunca he hablado con él.

Como impacts the health of José Escalante regresso al Cavalry?
It’s nothing new, we know we have marches in the beginning, it’s all clear, the team that gave us the performance is their requirements and we will understand.

What determination did the team make when it came to Nerlin Membreño’s team?
Ya hemos hablado con el Disciplinary Committee on the subject, we hope to help a little with this.
