Luis Cruz, President of the CDS Vida, reveals the sheet that reads and the price of Luis Palma – Diez

The President of CDS Vida de La Ceiba, Luis Cruz, ha hablado para El Gráfico de El Salvador about his reto with this Honduran institution, one of the most historical of the National League.

One of the surprises that the Honduran emperor solves is about the interest that his team has in the selected Salvador Sub-23, Joshua Pérez, who recently disputed the Pre-Olympics with the Salvadoran nation, giving himself a double ante Haiti.

“Queremos traer a (Joshua) Pérez, el númo 11 de la selección de El Salvador, es spectacular y me quedó muy buen sabor de boca”, le comentó Luis Cruz al Güiri Güiri, radial program de este medio cuscatleco.

Joshue Pérez was one of the five legionaries who summoned the technician Hugo Pérez, football team, to find the tournament that holds the balls for the Olympic Games de Tokyo on behalf of Mexico and Honduras.

Joshua Pérez is currently playing in the third division of Spain with the Ibiza UD.

– Habla sobre su reto con el CDS Vida –

Luis Cruz llegó hace more than a year to the presidency of the Honduran team and since its arrival, the club has begun to play down and has no problems with payment. In addition, the club is competing in the domestic tournament.

“We play the passing game, we compromise the institution and we work and change the mentality of the players that we train, we treat the club to a professional point and always shine by the champion”, acotó.

Además dio digits approximated de cuanto cuesta la plantilla y elorte para to buy the club. “It reaches the million dollar mark and the monthly nomination is for the $ 70 million inclusive including administration, players and technical team more than the guests who are generated by the competence that can go up to 20 million dollars a month”.

Luis Palma will pay 1.5 million dollars to the CDS Vida arcs, according to information provided by Luis Cruz.

Asimismo, I wanted to reiterate that the players Luis Palma y Carlos Meléndez the two footballers of the institution cocootera with more projection to sell the football of the foreigner. “Since last year we have been interested in Palma, we are not interested in selling, we want to make the best decision for the player to be at ease and buy more money”, he explained.

“We believe that Luis Palma will have the figure of 1.5 million dollars, depending on the negotiation and we want to know why we are holding 30% in a future sale, but we want Luis to be able to sell and play one of the big teams “, I will say goodbye.
