Luis Almagro assures that Alex Saab’s extradition is key to dissolving Maduro’s regime

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OEA), Luis Almagro
The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OEA), Luis Almagro

Luis Almagro, Secretary-General of the Organization of American States, says that he the extradition of Colombian emperor Alex Saab to the United States is fundamental to justice in the case of Venezuela.

“The solicitation of Alex Saab’s extradition in Cape Verde is a fundamental and key theme in the dismantling of the regime ”, demonstrated to finalize the presentation of the annual information of the Instituto Casla on crimes of humanity in the country.

The employee mentions assimilation that the efforts for llevar a la dome madurista ante la justicia internacional Continues and reaffirms the dynamism with respect to the situation in Venezuela, according to the local media The National.

Alex Saab, signed as test taker by Nicolás Maduro
Alex Saab, signed as test taker by Nicolás Maduro

Traer justice is a question of principles. Democracy is a question of principles. End with the crimes of human humanity and the violations of human rights is a matter of principles ”, manifested the functionary.

In the presentation of the information, which takes place in a virtual way, participates Tamara Suju, Executive Director of the Human Rights Observatory of the Center for Latin American Studies; y Dita Charanzová, Vice-President of the European Parliament.

Almagro señaló que recabaron more evidence of the crimes committed by the regime of Maduro in Venezuela, both the doctrine of the Cuban regime, respected by the testimonies of the victims. Aggregate that the violation should be registered and sent to the International Criminal Court, as the Casla Institute does.

Tamara Suju, Executive Director of the Human Rights Observatory of the Center for Latin American Studies
Tamara Suju, Executive Director of the Human Rights Observatory of the Center for Latin American Studies

The document, punctuated by Almagro, identifies 18,093 extrajudicial executions since 2014; 15,501 cases of arbitrary detention and tens of millions of people who have suffered serious injuries sustained in the actual humanitarian crisis in the country.

The Secretary-General of the OEA states that 724 cases of disappearances will be documented between 2018 and 2019. It was added that sexual violence is converted into an army used by the regime including as a method of torture.

‘Estos crímenes no prescription. The most serious lawsuits are pending justice and reparations for these crimes against humanity, even worse in an extreme situation of insecurity, high vulnerability, refugees, and an inhumane situation. Ante these documented evidences, it is clear that hace falta justicia. Some actors need to renounce their active complicity with the dictatorship of Maduro ”, manifesto.

Cabo Verde no origin under the regime of the Venezuelan dictator and considered Juan Guaidó as the legitimate president of Venezuela, following a notification received by the Colombian emperor’s correspondents Alex Saab, the testaferro de Nicolás Maduro, detained in the country for blank money.

The information, revealed by Colombian radio WRadio, it is known from these days that it is the same medium that reveals Saab does not present diplomatic passport at the time of detention of Cape Verde, pese a que The condition of the diplomatic agent of the emperor is one of the pillars of his defense.

Due to the COVID pandemic, it was in the process of dealing with violence, but on the credit cards demonstrated that it is in diplomatic travel ” dijo el ex juez y abogado de Alex Saab Baltasar Garzón.

Saab was arrested on June 12 when the plane crashed into an International Airport Amilcar Cabral from Sal y caboverdiana. through a United States petition filed against Interpol for blank money.


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