Ludwika Paleta habla for prima ocasin de su esposo, Emiliano Salinas y la polmica por la secta NXIVM

Ludwika Paleta habl por primera ocasin desde que se dieron a conocer los videos en que su esposo, Emiliano Salinas, held conferences and meetings with Keith Raniere, leader of the sect NXIVM. This is an interview on the YouTube channel of Mara Patricia Castaeda.

It is always true that if the person knows Emiliano, he will tell so many things, according to the actress, he will make sure that he knows the criticisms of all the surgeries from the past. For the actress of Likes War hooi word afgewys en is sigura que si fuera infeliz en su matrimonio, eso se notara.

These things are not, they are very obvious. Yo creo que hay manera de esconder algo por mucho tiempo y yo, cuando dicen cosas, las veo objetivamente y digo: ah!, Explic.

(min 58:00)

“S, duele”

And it seems that he has suffered with all the problems, recognizing that the duel is all that has happened. Dijo que en privada le ha dado rabia, ha pataleado, ha llorar, pero tambin entiende que hay cosas que no puede controlar en entiende que “la gente habla lo que quiere”.

And to all the criticisms and accusations, Ludwika Paleta dice que est ms enamorada que nunca de su esposo Emiliano Salinas. Adems, acusa que la gente habla sin saber lo que sucede y las cosas hay que verlas con objetividad. In defense of his case, he says that he has a lot of people who do not think, who do not question the things, who choose a thing and repeat without ms.

And when she was dead, she did not receive a single minute of the time she was with Emiliano Salinas, because I was very sorry to hear about it. Tuve la gran fortuna de conocer a un hombre maravilloso, se me cae la baba. We love, we enjoy, we love together, we love and we love our beautiful, concluded.

