Lucerito Mijares estrena PERFIL on Instagram and has MILES of followers Tiembla Ángela Aguilar! PHOTO

Tremending surprise will follow the followers of the The Lucero-Mijares Dynasty after entering that the talented singer Lucerito Mijares, hija de los famosos, abriera su perfil en Instagram, el cual immediatamente dio de qué hablar.

In his profile, the telenovela protagonist like “Por ella soy Eva”, “Soy tu dueña” and “Mañana es para siempre” invite her to more than thirty million followers to follow the profile of his wife, who is little to little it is a special place in the world of music.

With only 16 years, Lucerito has demonstrated that he inherited the talent and beauty of his talented fathers, then in his small presentations he gave a great sensation that there will be an extraordinary song.

Your profile …

When Lucero confirms that his young wife has posted his profile on Instagram, miles of followers decide to follow the profile and there will be a big surprise in his first posts.

In just a couple of hours, the profile of Lucero Mijares account with more than 18 mil followers; in its promotional description of songs that are available on the Distinctive Music Platforms.

Fue duras las primeras horas de este mercoles 17 de febrero cuande la cantante de “Vencer el amor” y “Mi universo” subió su primera imagen, la cual inmediatamente se virvoli viral.

The young man shared a photo of his infant while enjoying the contents he was sharing; the publication suma ocho mil “me gusta” y un sin fin de comentarios que destacan su talento und belleza.

