Love horoscope for Monday 18 January 2021

For today’s love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astronomer, and YourTango’s senior editor, Aria Gmitter tell you how the current astrological events on Monday 18 January affect you.

For some, Monday may be a difficult day.

The moon will enter Ram after spending the weekend in Pisces.

This is a difficult place for the moon, because Aries is not about intuition or feeling things through.

Aries is raw male energy that is powerful with action.

RELATED: Daily Tarot Card Reading for All Zodiac Signs, January 18, 2021

The sun is also in Capricorn, and therefore the emphasis is on succeeding, and on the last day of the sun in this sign, we want.

But Venus is also in Capricorn and she softens this energy.

However, she also remains dedicated and practical.

Venus in Capricorn reminds us that some days our love must channel itself into productivity.

So on Monday, when life gets tough, you need to do one thing that you love about yourself or another person you care about.

Scroll down to find today’s love horoscopes for each of the zodiac signs on Monday, January 18, 2021.


Today’s love horoscope for Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The Sun and Venus spend the day in the sign of Capricorn, your sun house of social status and career.
