Lou Dobbs beats ‘small’ Republicans criticizing Trump

Fox Business Host Lou DobbsLouis (Lou) Carl Dobbs Louis Dobbs beats ‘small’ Republicans criticizing Trump Dobbs: Republicans lost in 2020 because they ‘forgot who the real leader was’. House Republican calls on GOP lawmakers to work together to stop ‘illegal’ Biden victory. attacked top Republicans on Friday for failing to join former president President TrumpDonald Trump rejects Kelli Ward request to sell GOP renoudit in Arizona. Arms sales are rising amid uncertainty over pandemics. after endorsing them and calling them ‘small’ and ungrateful.

Dobbs, a Trump supporter, followed the chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) Ronna McDanielRonna Romney McDaniel Lou Dobbs beat ‘small’ Republicans criticizing Trump GOP chairman urged Trump not to form third party in office on last day: report The Hill’s Morning Report – Dems questionnaire; January becomes MORE the deadliest pandemic monthand said she ‘got off the road’ and criticized House minority leader Kevin McCarthyKevin McCarthy Former official’s accusation of a shaky precedent Lou Dobbs beats ‘small’ Republicans criticizing Trump Marjorie Taylor Greene calls Trump call amid growing setback MORE (R-California) and Senate IDP Leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell Lou Dobbs beats ‘small’ Republicans criticizing Trump Biden recaptures immigration battle Louise Linton plays murderous, sex-obsessed hedge fund manager in her debut on writer-director MORE (Ky.), call them ‘managers’ and not ‘leaders’.

‘The Mitch McConnells, the Kevin McCarthys, are honestly not up to par. These are not leaders. They can be money managers, fundraisers trying to pick winners and losers from a myriad of candidates, whether it’s the House or the Senate. “They do not do much for the American people,” Dobbs said. said during an interview with former Trump chief of staff Mark MeadowsMark Meadows Lou Dobbs beats ‘small’ Republicans criticizing Trump The Hill’s Morning Report – Dems questioned trial; January becomes the deadliest pandemic month. Mark Meadows joins the Conservative Partnership Institute MORE.

‘I have never seen a president whose entry was more important in terms of results, nor have I seen more recipients of such an endorsement being less grateful, and in fact, spicy, petty and vengeful. towards a man is of course jealous of and for whom they strongly fear for his influence under the base, about 75 million people, ”Dobbs said added later.

Dobbs said it’s unfortunate to look at McConnell’s face when Trump is mentioned went after McDaniel because the GOP lost its presidency and control of the Senate. His remarks come after McDaniel tell The Associated Press said this week that the RNC will remain neutral if Trump arrives again in 2024.

The Fox Business host turned his demure to Democrats, referring to them as the “party of hate” and criticizing them for asking Trump to get a no-confidence motion, claiming they were only doing so because they knew they were not enough have votes to condemn Trump. his forthcoming Senate indictment.

‘Censorship, are you kidding me? Are you going to be able to unite Conservatives and Republicans and stop it? I mean, it’s just ignorance, “Dobbs said.

The indictment in the Senate will begin on February 9. Democrats will need 17 Republicans to side with them to prosecute Trump. Many Republicans have sought to distance themselves from the former president since the January 6 riots on the Capitol, although the Senate is likely to acquit Trump, with most GOP senators voted against holding an indictment earlier this week.

“If the Republican Party did not have the Trump First, America First policy on all fronts, the Republican Party would not stand much,” Dobbs said.
