Lose memory !, Danna García confesses secular viruses

The famous actress Danna García, who gained enormous popularity as a result of the telenovela Passion of Gavilanes, abridged her courage with her followers and confessed that she had serious sequelae of the virus that afflicted three months of her family and attacked her. cruel form.

What is most called the attention of all is that the beautiful Colombian actress haya lost the memory, algo actually fuerte, as one of the consequences of his fight against the virus that currently follows preoccupation worldwide.

Danna García lasted three months in Mexico in front of Covid-19, the star shone before her advances to her followers through social speeches, women who are late in giving support and reputation to the famous.

You may be interested: Danna García sufre secuelas de C0VID-19

The artist Colombian does not pass anything well with the coronavirus, unless it causes symptoms in its body and in its mind; in addition to the suprimity of the separation of his wife and family, the depression of the situation in which he lives and to think that he can leave at any moment, he will start problems with his memory.

La bella Danna García of 42 years of oath of allegiance that the father of haber superimposed the illness and haber held the negative three months later, she continued lying against the Covid-19, now about the sequels he gave in his body.

Decir de la bella estrella, has presented problems with his memory and others with stability, revealed that he had to take care of his wife in a hurry, as he caused enormous alertness to her and his wishes. In addition to these syndromes, the fame is present in the skin and on the cable; is a very characteristic syndrome in women.

Me cai con mi niño alzado, me fui de cara. You are in the room and you will be able to get there. It took me a long time, Garcia ward.

Danna García revealed that her situation is likely to be more serious than one of its positive positives. Covid-19 ella había enfrentado el dengue, otra seria enfermedad; for what his pulmone was quite comprometidos.

The Colombian busa concentrates on the people about the delicacy that is this virus and the much that deben must take care of, and that the symptoms and consequences of more than the respirators.

We have a lot of skin care, liquid retention, sometimes every mile for several months, duele has a rose, weight loss, respiratory theme, even when I need a little air, extreme recovery in all body and inflammation at the cellular level, revealed the actress.

The process of combating and recovering from Danna García was very common in social media, the famous virus hizo much more human to show that someone could succeed and all that a person in his mouth and Islam.

The Colombian actress included a signal that her vices were complicating her surveillance, and she had indications that she was being cared for and her department and no one was harassing her. Danna decides not to call and denounce this situation in social networks.

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No obstacle, no tode fue sad, pues la hermosa actress also shared his encounter with his thigh after more than three months of not holding it in his braces; algo que conmovió al mundo del internet.

The light of the Danna García continuum continues, but also a signal that not all the people have the same success, all the different reactive bodies; without embarrassment, by no means, the ideal is to be careful and avoid at all costs be contagious or contagious to the demas.
