Los Simpson’s predictions for 2021

Los simpson‘siguen cosechando fieles seguidores en todo el mundo, pero también mitos y enigmas que desconciertan a villos des sus spectatores. One of them is the ability of its writers to, by extension, plant hechos and situations in the fiction that term, we are more late, maintaining its correlation in real life.

La series animated created by Matt Groening, broke all records with 32 timed to air and more than 700 chapters. In them, there are many scenes that appear absurd because at the time they were converted into reality as if they were incredible predictions at the altar of Nostradamus and Baba Vanga. And for the Flame 2021, the program will pay some early installments.

And as the list of action is intermittent, despite a very moving 2020, many fanatics of the Springfield family have dismantled some chapters to try to explain what will happen to this 2021.

The predictions of Los Simpson for 2021:

'Los Simpson'.

The chapter ‘The House of Horror 31’, which corresponds to the temporary 32, is marked by the elections in the north of the country. If you can see Homer Simpson who is sleeping and who, in this form, is required to vote by the 3rd of November.

The high-flying escalators that relate to the fiction suedeen the 20th of next year, the same fact that many users of the social speeches win with the position of Joe Biden, the president electo in August of 2020.

In one episode, Homero appeared about the tech of his house with a heap of racks, ollas and collars, and with a lath of serving in the mano. A giant robot patan Juan Topo who ironically says: “I did not vote for Kanye (rapper)”. For his part, Lenny and Carl miran occultistotras behind a destroyed vehicle like the city consumed by the llamas.

See friend submissions by all the calls from Springfield and a group of machines recurrence the animal to aniqué to any soreviviente. All continuous characters using cubrebocas by Covid-19. The final scene of the presentation has to do with the four genres of the apocalypse: plague, famine, war and death, which are replaced by the chapter number: ‘The House of Horror 31’.

Between his acquaintances.

We record that the most predictable predictions in the animated series are: The Assassination of the Torres Gemelas in 2001, the Presidential President of the United States of 2008 and the Barack Obama’s imposition on John McCain, the President of Donald Trump, the President of the North American and the la pandemic de Covid-19.

También vaticinaron otros cases that vinculaban figures of the music and the sport as the presentation of lady Gaga in the Super Bowl or the lesion of Neymar at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.
