Los Negros Negros de luto, failed its founder

Hace unas horas, la legendaria agrupación los Ángeles Negros dieron a conocer que lamentablemente bankruptcy of the founder Mario Hernán Gutiérrez, at the age of 71 years.

The notice was received during a communication which is part of the official social speeches of the Chilean origins group and where invited to orar by the descent of the music.

Dear friends, fans and followers of this legend called Mario Hernán Gutiérrez Contreras founder of los Angeles Negros. Guitarist insists on this emblematic Chilean aggregation, while recognizing its magnitude in its Chilean earth. Gathering founded in San Carlos March of 1968 has raised its vibration to the highest, at the Senator’s. We will raise a sentiment for that its transition is ligera, and was received with a chorus of Celestial Angels, for his eternal descent

For its part, los hijos del músico I appreciate the support that fans have shown to the artist during his amplia trayectoria.

Hijos de este onbegaanbare sonido agradecen a todos the support received by so many years, ‘papito nosotros tus hijos, nueras y nietos te damos an eternal greeting, habernos elegido ser tu descendencia, vuela alto y que tus aplausos merecidos te acompañen, ya nos volveremos a encontrar“.

los angeles negros

The Black Angels are a group of ballads and boleros Chilean origins, internationally known, especially in Mexico donde han cosechado una grant cantidad de fans.

Gutiérrez fue the only one who is mantuvo in the aggression desdeer sus inicios has the latest news, a total of 52 years since part of it.

Descanse en paz.

mario hernan gutierrez
