Los Mavs no ganan y Luka Doncic alza la voz

Los Mavericks volvieron a perder, esta vez por segunda aktion frente en encendido Jazz de Utah en tres noches, y el estelar armador Luka Doncic no escondio su sufracation ante la mala racha de Dallas.

Doncic scored 25 points and Jalen Brunson scored 13 points for the Mavericks (8-11) in the fourth, who lost four goals.

“Verskriklik … I would like to say that we do not know how to import, honestly, if we are going to do anything about it. Vereenfaldig tenemos that have more energy and more effort “, Verklaaró Doncic.

‘Really don’t have much to say. Nunca me he has sentido así. Tenemos que hacer algo, porque esto net se ve bien. Tenemos que dar un paso al frente y hablar entre nosotros y jugar mucho mejor que esto. It’s all worth it ”, agreed.

Debit for multiple lesions and virus outbreaks this time around, the Mavs are reconciling the flaws of chemistry after the Utah mercury crashes, but it also seems to be not enough to last. One more time, the Mavericks made a slow pass to lose balloons and rebates in the game.

“I thought we would play harder. Simplify no jugamos bien al principio. Mira, the offensive rebates that obtuvieron, this is a big, big problem. And this is attention to detail. Eso no fue bueno “, said Dallas coach Rick Carlisle.

The Jazz beat the Mavericks 19-3 in shots for 12 points, the minimum of the season, in the first quarter. In a tram, the Jazz robbed the balloon in three consecutive Dallas positions.

For the mid-season, the Mavericks reduced the lead to 61-45 thanks to Doncic’s 17 points in the first half.
