Los fiscales del accusation and Donald Trump determines what you should respond to the “priceless” and the sea inhabilitado de cargos futuros

By NBC News

WASHINGTON, DC – The Democratic representatives who will be taxed in the political juicing process against Donald Trump will present this March in his formal information before the Senate, in which he clearly states that the President is acting on behalf of the United States. accusation, and in the fact that a possible castigation the new postal plan for a public cargo.

The group of congressmen who acted as prosecutors, led by Jaime Raskin, argued in the briefing, 80 pages, that Trump is personally responsible of the Ascension to the Capitol suicidal the 6th because he initiated the attack as part of his efforts to reverse the result of the popular vote and the Electoral College.

“The responsibility that Trump has for the events of January 6 is unfounded,” he wrote, adding that the executor “abused his power and agreed to it and agreed to a democratic order,” in an act that represents an “offensive. enjuiciable of historical proportions “.

[El equipo que defiende a Trump emitió una respuesta a la acusación el martes al mediodía negando que el exmandatario haya participado en una insurrección o rebelión contra el país y que haya violado su juramento como presidente. “En todo momento, actuó de la mejor manera posible para preservar, proteger y defender la Constitución”, se indica en el documento. 

Los abogados de Trump argumentan además que el Senado “no tiene jurisdicción” para procesarlo porque ya no ocupa el cargo. Pero los fiscales para el juicio político explicaron en su propio documento que ese argumento no es válido.]

Five people will lose their lives during the events of January 6, including a Capitol policy. More officials who intend to reprimand Trump’s sympathizers, who have died since then, report that they committed suicide.

[“Vayan listos para la guerra”: el FBI halla evidencias de que el asalto al Capitolio fue coordinado]

A group of protesters intends to lift the police barrier and enter the Capitol through a discourse by President Trump, Donald Trump. AP

The memorandum of the tax authorities argues that “the conduct [de Trump] puso en peligro la vida of all the integrants of the Congress, giving a wave to the Pacific Transition of the power and the line of succession, and arriesgó the national security “.

“This is exactly the type of constitutional offensive that the United States disqualifies” has the right to have a political power, says the memo. The tax authorities say that the Senate in the judgment “must conclude more from the doubt” that Trump’s conduct can not be tolerated.

Representatives also refer to them arguments about it the Senate todavia has the power to injure ‘n Trump-porque ya no está en el puesto.

“Those arguments are equivocal and even more pessimistic,” the congressmen, who will be fiscal, wrote to signal that quienes redactaron la Constitución no habrían querido “dejarnos indefensos ante las crimion aciones que pueda tomar un president in sus ultimos días, al abusar de su poder, violate its jurisdiction or incite a contravention in the Congress or the electoral institutions, and salute with its sole right because it is safe “.

Agregan in the memo that it is “obvio” that the Senate has filed a lawsuit to sue Trump over the political juicing process before the House of Representatives, when the Chamber of Deputies voted to impeach charges, called them accused articles and English.

“A president must respond and return accounts for his goods in the cargo of his first day and until his last day,” the tax authorities said. The 6th of January Trump will be president.

[Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez exige la renuncia de Ted Cruz por alentar el asalto al Capitolio]

Whoever edits the Constitution “clearly claims that the political juicing process served by ex-officials “, write the fiscal, pointing to cases as when the Senate of 1798 determined that it could sue those who had received the cargo, as sued by Senator William Blunt, who had expelled the cargo for traction and enrolled a accusation.

Trump’s statements in the middle of January’s preview of the Capitol’s hiccup from this event “a poor situation for Polvorin did not explode” because it was “completely predictable” that the president’s sympathizers would list and respond to Violence if it only takes the mecha “, write in the memo the fiscal.

[El equipo de defensa de Trump no sólo reitera una y otra vez que es ilegal juzgarlo siendo que no está en el cargo sino que defiende sus palabras ante el Capitolio. Asegura, en el documento presentado este martes, que no causó el asalto. 

“Se niega que la frase ‘si no luchas como el infierno ya no vas a tener un país’ tenga algo que ver con la acción en el Capitolio”, señalan.

Los abogados aseguran también que en sus reiteradas denuncias, sin fundamentos, de un fraude electoral, Trump estaba ejerciendo su derecho “de la primera enmienda” de libertad de expresión. ]

The representatives indicated respect in the memo that Trump is not satisfactory and will no longer be valid. because freedom is not protected “it provokes illegal actions only because some lose in the voting booths”.

[El inspector general investigará si algún funcionario del Departamento de Justicia intentó ayudar a Trump a revertir las elecciones]

The public was shocked to hear that one of the new advocates for Trump, David Schoen, was appearing during an appearance on Fox News that the defense argument will be hailed by the First Enemy.

The lawyer insinuated that Trump only had a way of behaving in the middle of the day nod to its followers to “never render” and say “debone” to end ‘robo’ [porque] no vamos a permitirlo “ just as soon as the Congress has passed its constitutional request to ratify the result of the popular vote and the vote of the Electoral College.

[Un millón para viajes, su pensión y otros privilegios de Trump en juego por el ‘impeachment’]

“If it is decided to provoke an aggression with fines for insurrection in contravention of a joint session of the Congress after losing an election, it is not an offensive that must result in a political juice, it is difficult to think about what to do”, signal in his memory the fiscals of accusation.

‘These are not the usual burdens of corruption: Trump commits one offensive of proportions of historical proportions“, concluyen.
