Los Angeles pays 14 million to compensate detainees • Hola News



Los Angeles, Feb 11 (EFE News). The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will provide 14 million dollars in compensation for the illegal detention of more than 18,500 immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Ecuador, informs these juveniles of a defense organization of the migrants.

As many as 18,500 people were detained or detained at the time of their legal establishment by the English Department between October 2010 and June 2014 by the Immigration and Control Service (ICE).

“As immigrants, we come from different countries and the current police forces as well as the basic protections are not applied to us. (…) Rompieron mi familia y mi hogar. Cuando te encierran, te rompen. Give me physical and mental health ”, related to a communication Antonia C., who was detained while being accused of robbing a car.

His wife, who prefers to remain anonymous, makes sure that this type of detention “does not only affect the persons who were cared for, but all the families”.

“I was only 11 years old when I was separated from my mother. This is a line of confusion and sadness. If my mom has a lad, I feel like she doesn’t have a place in this world. I lost everything ”, record.

The collective demand Roy v. The Condo of Los Angeles was presented by immigrants detained illegally by the Department of Local Allocation, during several months, debated and requested “ICE retention”.

In 2018, a federal federal dictatorship ruled that its local authority violated the Constitution by enclosing persons under the single premise of the orders issued by ICE.

For the past three years, both parties have agreed that these immigrants should be entitled to a fine of up to $ 1,000 on the day that the detainees are detained under the ICE Retention Order.

We also receive an additional payment for those migrants who have been denied the right to a debt bonded by an ICE Retention Order, according to the Migrant Defense Center (CDM) and the ICE Hold group.

The affected will receive compensation from $ 250 up to $ 25,000, according to the time that detainees were detained and other offenses:

To receive compensation, the affected persons must present an advertisement, which does not require revelation of their actual migrant status until October 10, 2021, for this organization and others, such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU, by sus siglas en Engels), han initiated a search campaign of the unarmed prisoners.

“This case represents a generalized practice: local agencies are inclined to ICE and socavan the rights of immigrant people. This unconstitutional reference to ICE policies has brutal consequences for individuals, families and communities working on the front lines, ”said Evy Peña, CDM’s Director of Communications.