Los Angeles Lakers vs. Denver Nuggets Facundo Campazzo and el phrase from a LeBron James NBA [Video]

Read the moment of revenge for Facundo Campazzo. In the first game of the regular time between Los Angeles Lakers and Denver Nuggets the argentino judge tuvo who sells the encounter through a lesion, but this domingo is forced to decide the same LeBron James.

In the final minutes of the first quarter the moment before Campazzo will emerge to lead the attack of the Nuggets. In the case of the balloon that some magic trick to do and in the market exchange Facundo quedó against LeBron: ¡Oh, oh!

With the intelligence that the character Campazzo miró para un lado y dio el pase sin mirar at another cost of the cancha. ¿Y LeBron? Quedó loco levantando las manos mientras que Zeke Nnaji transformaba la magic de Facundo en una assistani for a triplezo.

Facundo Campazzo le pintó la cara a LeBron James en la NBA

How to Facasso Campazzo no hubiese alcanzado con dejar mal parade a LeBron James con una assistation sin mirar, durante elltimo quarto de juego entre los Los Angeles Lakers en Denver Nuggets the Argentine basketball player is alive and well in the California team.

In front of LeBron’s 2.06 metros, Campazzo was much faster than LeBron and the robber of the manos an offensive line. Finished final in the victory of the Nuggets with 15 points, a rebate, four assists and two robots. Partidazo de Facu!
