Loret de Mola assures that Putin is AMLO’s newest friend: “German populism”

López Obrador favorably interacts with the Russian president (Photo: Jovani Pérez Silva / Infobae México)
López Obrador favorably interacts with the Russian president (Photo: Jovani Pérez Silva / Infobae México)

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has established relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Very positive about COVID-19, the tabasqueño has a name with its homonymous European from “Mexico’s governor initiates a lunar meal with Russia”, consider the period Carlos Loret de Mola in a column published in the Washington Post.

Aseguró que “el hermana populismo ”, pues “pese a que el proyecto (de López Obrador) está más cercano a la izquierda que el de los otros dos líderes”, este parece feel more comfortable with Putin and Trump than with a figure like Joe Biden.

Recorded as “presumptive defender of democracy”, López Obrador decision to ally with former President Donald Trump before any other world leader, to hold the presidency in 2018. “AMLO mandates a card on which to compare with it: the outsiders of politics who want to break the order of the things and hand over the mafias governors ”,

The Biden Legacy of the Casa Blanca was called “aspera”, signaled by Mexico to restrict intelligence agents, questioning the Anti-Drug Administration of the United States (DEA, by its seal in English) on the case Assage, a terrorist considered by Biden.

The relationship between Biden and AMLO is here
The relationship between Biden and AMLO is “aspera”, according to the period (Illustration: Jovani Pérez, Infobae)

Experts in the material he trained on repeated occasions that action lawsuits of the mexican executive geen solo violan tratados internacionales, sino que It is interesting to note the relationship between Mexico and the United States. The father of this, Biden and López Obrador han hablado en dos ocasiones, pero “None of the llamas have been referred to by AMLO with such eulogies as the one with Putin ”.

Luego de la llamada con el mandatario ruso, AMLO lo calificó com “genuinamente afectuoso” and had to announce that he would send 24 million Sputnik V vacancies. “Now, the new best friend of the President of Mexico is the Russian Mandate, Vladimir Putin”, sentence.

For the last time, recalculated, it has also been seized on multiple occasions in exchange for human rights violations, using lies against its political opponents, curtailing freedom of expression and its actions against migrants.

During the Trump administration, López Obrador maintained a close relationship with his homonymous stadium (Photo: Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)
During the Trump administration, López Obrador maintained a close relationship with his homonymous stadium (Photo: Reuters / Kevin Lamarque)

For another lad, in the relationship that the taboo maneuver with Trump is characterized by Mexico, and prefer the la misma, habría puesto su politigrica migratoria bajo las ordinances del entonces mandatario estadounidense and he helped to obtain the Spanish vote with his visit in the middle of the presidential campaign.

When analyzing the characteristics of AMLO, Trump and Putin, it turns out that the Mexican is more interested in dealing with those who are more concerned with democratic practices

Agreed with Loret de Mola, these are very handsome “the taste concentrates the power and the llevar gobernos unipersonales, the only brincarse the formalities of the ley, its experts in polarizing and maintaining the democratic norms ”.

Aseguró que todos occupy a narrative similar plagues logros and excites that van in contra duros datos duros, Promising conspiracy theories to make prevalence in digital speech propaganda and prophecy a “religious cult case” to affirm.

The relationship with Vladimir Putin is attractive to the Mexican because “only the incumbent on the democratic respect of the human rights, the division of powers or the freedom of the press; tampoco on respect for the rights of the opposition, individual liberties, respect for the law and international treaties, autonomous organisms and the surrender of accounts ”, explained.


Carlos Loret de Mola vs. AMLO: a chronology of his descendants

AMLO’s reply to Loret: ‘I have the change that will take place on the ground in your EU department’

Loret responded to AMLO’s reply: “Ante los documents the president only has insults”
