Lorena Herrera confirms maltrató a El Muñeco porque se lo merecía

Despue that Armando González ‘El Muñeco’, revealed that in the first years of his matrimony with Lorena Herrera, sufrió de maltratos for its part, “I have two tights (cachetadas), very much in principle, it is that Lorena at that time when you were with her, I was in a moment where I was in the most famous house, everywhere the world is busy and everything is ”.

Before the controversial statements of ‘El Muñeco’, the cameras of ‘Venga la Alegría’ were raised to the question of whether they were worthy, and what with the French character, Lorena Herrera lo confirmed.

“¡Ay claro, sí! If there is mercy … ”, he says in a tone of broma.

Lorena Herrera Violent - 'El Muñeco'

Vervolgó “For nothing, I am with all my ser, and he also with me. Some of them are from a cachetada por ahí y se ofendió muchísimo. I had to work on a knife and here it was like I did not want to do it, I learned the lesson. Ni el hombre debe cachetear a la mujer ni un hombre tampoco ”, asseguró Lorena Herrera.

Aunado told her Lorena’s footsteps to all the women who were not called and denounced if at any time she was sexually abused.

“Asi debe de ser. I have to denounce. Geen podemos laat toe por el poder que tenga un producer o dueño alguin periodic o medio, nosotras ceder ante determinadas cosas. We must make it clear that we are here for our talent, work, but not for other things ”.

Finally made sure that when she got it right at the moment she was not convicted, a big mistake.

‘Hay den denunciar. When I got it, I did not denounce it at the moment, but it was good that I had this conscience already ”.

Lorena Herrera Violent - 'El Muñeco'
