López Obrador’s Contagion Alert Gobierno Mexican Alert

President López Obrador, during his speech with Vladimir Putin this month.
President López Obrador, during his speech with Vladimir Putin this month.– / AFP

The Mexican president’s contest has been alerted to the Gobierno media, members have opted to configure and follow up their activities from the box office to try and certify that he has not been confirmed. Nothing has been heard of this time, except that many other people, such as the President of the Presidency, Jesús Ramírez, have turned out to be black media. The extreme pregnancy evidence that these days have caused the pandemic in Mexico, which is about to surpass the 150,000 deaths and there are 8,521 new active cases in the last 24 hours.

The Secretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell, the man in front of the pandemic, did not assist this night at the National Palace to hold a conference on coronavirus diarrhea. Lo hacho for videoconference from his house. “Afortunadamente estoy asintomático, comiendo bien, oliendo, saboreando”, ha dicho. Other members have also preferred to watch out for tests that certify that they are in good health. In that sense, it is possible the President of the Government, Olga Sánchez Cordero, will be assisting the President in answering the questions and questions of the periodicals. Sanchez Cordero confirms that he has a quick test that is negative and that he hopes for the results of the PCR. For the sake of communication that is also negative.

Without embarrassment, López-Gatell echoed by tierra ese dato optimista al assurur en la rueda de pressa que de poco sirv haxerse las pruebas antes que hayan pasado cuatro o cinco días des que se production de contact de electecto, porque “lo probable es which in this case is negative ”. The Secretary General of Epidemiology, José Luis Alomía, added that before this incubation period “the symptoms are not expressed and there is no viral load sufficient to determine the contagion”. ‘Some [de los que mantuvieron contacto con el presidente en las últimas horas] he demonstrated that his laboratory tests are negative, but he recommends the second or third tests, as far as the home screen is concerned, ”he added. This is the case of the chancellor Marcelo Ebrard, who will be looking more closely at the nearest high school.

Since the president announced his contagion with live sinners, the domingo for the latter, he sued the speculations about when to test the first sinners. The periodical ReformAs quoted by Presidency officials, he made sure that the Saturday demonstration took place, without embarrassment, the continued domination of San Luis Potosí, inaugurated a National Guard quarter. The diary ensures that a fuel vapor is deposited in the case at which the access from its vehicle takes place, according to the ordinary controls, and the cubicle is empty. Alomía has made sure that, at the moment, he identifies the people who had contact with the president in his dominant direction, but that figure would be modified to mean that the authorities of New Leon and San Luis Potosí communicate the results of their searches . It is said that in the case of the vulture that also identifies the two leaning and descending lines of the assistant who occupied the president.

López-Gatell did not want to abound in the demonstrations that manifest the Mexican mandate, assisted by a medical team commanded by the secretary of Salud, Jorge Alcocer, and confined to the National Palace together with his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müllque, and without sins, as is informed by the manana. The sub-secretary has stated that “the president is also a human being and has a right to privacy and the confidentiality of his medical data. It will not be revealed yet that the same option for shared rooms is shared on its Twitter account or by other means. It seems that there is a living frame, with minimal sinks, that has kept the February classic, ”he said.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, 67 years old, hypertensive and with coronation problems — suffers a heart attack in 2013 — has become stable and “resolves public hearings, giving instructions and attending some formative meetings.” This morning he spoke by telephone with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom he had reached an agreement to deal with Mexico 24 million doses of Sputnik V, which allowed 12 million treatment. All this has been explained by the Government Secretariat, the person designated in the Constitution to take over the leaseholds in the event of the President’s incapacity.

The mandate of the mandate is related to the vacancy, which in Mexico applies to Nochebuena. López Obrador always showed his intention to immunize for example in the public and to show his confidence in the vacancy. In October it was announced that it would be made public, even if it was a matter of course, but it always showed its intention to make the turn, by oath and by associated associations, a group, the mayors, in which the February. So far, he has received his dose of 642,105 people, the majority of sanitary staff and 9,149 masters in the Campeche State, the only one who is suffering from the epidemiological crisis in the world. Search with them to find the available classes.

In any case, the president never confirmed that biologists would be evacuated. On the contrary, it has always been respectful of the protocol established to prioritize the mayoral groups. In this case, you will receive a single dose of the Chinese vaccine CanSino. Gatell has stated that the vacancy, in any mode, is not recommended for covid’s people. Asked by the agreement with Russia that the Mexican state authority, Cofepris, has not given its view to the biological dichotomy, it has stated that “it is hoping for some administrative details to dictate its authorization”. And he wanted to remove the quince that he received at the time of the second dose, with the guarantee of a 98% immunization: “The OMS identified the possibility of increasing it to 21 to 42 days in the period before the second dose. riesgo ni disminuya la eficacia ”. Currently, only 28,715 people have completed this cycle between the most of the 642,000 vacancies for the first time.

The president’s election this Monday at the morning conference saw the most significant image to prove the pandemic that plagued Mexico these days with special virulence. The quote with the press every month is suspended one day a year, coinciding with festival holidays, but today López Obrador is not in the television broadcast. Las ausencias, of his most close collaborators, like Gatell’s proprietor, also confined, if he were sued. El quédate en casa has entered lleno in the life of the high officials, some of them, the president the first, very reluctant to put on the mascara.

Mexico accumulates 1.9 million in contagios, in addition to being one of the countries of Latin America with mayor excesses of deaths and the most decades are among the medical staff. Without embarrassment, during the months, Gobierno’s allegations were never made at the height of the drama that is rife throughout the world.

There is no personal honesty with the question given to López Obrador about the magnitude of this pandemic, without any responsibility. The mandate is located in the group of leaders who do not use cubrebocas, like the Brazilian Bolsonaro, who is also contagious, or the controversy Donald Trump, who is projecting a more serious image to the human race that is human. Decades ago he interjected during these months to the Mexican president about his disapproval of the use of mascara, which appeared in his visit to the United States in July. His answer always follows the line traversed by López-Gatell, equally reacting to using the cubrebocas and posting on the physical distance between persons.

But things have changed a lot in these months, and Mexico is currently having very difficult times in the course of the pandemic, with hospitals saturated in the capital and its surroundings, accumulating a quarter of the total population of the country. During the Christmas festivities and as a result of the increase in contacts in the celebrations, the last days he launched the most high-profile peaks, with about 2,000 in the most statistical peoples.

The governor of Mexico City has passed the law, and there are 16 governors of the 32 states. Only after the contagion of the presidential vocation, the 11th of January, a special protocol was announced to protect López Obrador. The Gobernaciation Secretariat said that the President “very soon, very soon, will recover, is optimistic, responsible, an example to follow and the leader who inspires us all”. These are his frequencies between the rodean and López Obrador. Now that covid has been infected, there are rumors that the secretary of the Salud, Hugo López-Gatell, has signed the front page of the pandemic in Mexico, in March, when the periodicals were preceded by the president saying goodbye to his turns the ends of the week, representing besos and abrasions without any protection: “The power of the president is moral, not a power of contagion”, Gatell said, possibly in one of his most declared statements. It was March 16 and the country, with 126 million residents, accounted for 53 confirmed cases of covid and hospitalized.

“Yo de todas maneras me cuido, es sana distancia; it’s inconvenient because it’s also known as the country … ”. It is the fact that a “fuerza moralistic”‘s environment of the coronavirus is repeatedly para el mandatario. Millions of Mexicans are dedicated to social speeches for the presidency, which many months will show at his conference matinally stamped and escaped with those who protect the coronavirus and other men who aquejan and his country.
