López Obrador will make sure to be vacated during these three weeks to “give example” and “dissipate dudas”

López Obrador during the morning high morning conference.
López Obrador during the morning high morning conference.Galo Cañas / CUARTOSCURO

Andrés Manuel López Obrador corrected and was able to do so during his evacuation. This March, a day has passed to ensure that at the moment it is not necessary to receive the first dose by taking anticonvulsants against covid-19. “I travel a vacant dentro de unos 15, 20 días. Volvo has demonstrated to the doctors and also to dissipate doubts, about everything for which the tuvieron covid as I do not hope so and there is an example of what is protjan “, he demonstrated at his press conference the president, who said positive in coronavirus the last step.

The mandate, which is opposed to the mascara from the beginning of the pandemic, has shown reticence even before the application of the vaccine, but has withdrawn. “I think it can be in 15 or 20 days, and coincide when the vacancies of the major adults, entonces voy yo”, said López Obrador, who had announced that one of his doctors explained the decision to withdraw the immunization to avoid “speculation”.

Finally, the Minister of Health, Jorge Alcocer. “One of the best medicines in these matters is here, it’s a seer,” said López Obrador. Alcocer, who has asked the people not to take care of the guard, has balanced to justify the president’s statements and at the same time recommend his vacancy. It was recorded that “you have the virus and it generates anti-virus”. “But there is an important part to play in generating it and in what quantity. The most healthy people, from progressive progress, best and most antiquated. The president generated an important anti-corruption number that allowed him to be protected for the longest time. “And when we have been living for a long time, we do not know what we have for a long time, four months, six months, and there are studies that have taken place in the past, and we have no defenses, even if we do not have health,” he said.

Alcocer also referred to the coverage provided by the distinct doses of the vacancies and to explain the case of López Obrador mentioned the recent contagion of Alberto Fernández. “Ustedes led the president of Argentina. Between the first and second dose, it is possible, but only if I know it, there is this infection and it will be in any case for the first dose practically without symptoms. If there is no vaccinated vaccine and the vaccine is available, the human infection can be seen at the moment in many cases ”, he explained.

López Obrador, who is 67 years old and has a comorbidity, hypertension, who encounters bad control, states that his doctors have revised his studies and read to the conclusion that his patients are antiquated. “No indispensable, por ahora, which is my vacancy”. This opinion, in accordance with the same discussion, does not coincide with the initial recommendations. The mandate, which ten previsto receive a first dose this week, volvio finally consult his medical team. And the final determination is that the vacancy will take place within two or three weeks.

In Mexico, the March final surpassed the 200,000 deaths for covid, according to official data – and that added an important sub-register that allowed authorities to calculate an excess mortality rate of 60% – he applied more than a few million of vacancies. The Secretary of Health, Hugo López Gatell, has resulted in the reduction of contagions in the last days thanks to the restrictions adopted and the importance of the importance of the evacuation campaign. recording that he has no doubts that it is recommended that any mayor be vacated for 16 years.

