López Obrador defends the publication of the expedition of the DEA on Cienfuegos

López Obrador, this moon in the Palacio Nacional.
López Obrador, this moon in the Palacio Nacional.PRESIDENCY / EFE

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, defends the lunes in a press release issued by the United States Anti-Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA, by its seal in English) and against the Secretary of Defense of the United States, Salvador Cpu vínculos con el narcotrafico y lavado de dinero. “We can not make deletions to anyone, to the extent that what we deem to be correct is ethical,” the mandate insisted on the message from the EEU Justice Department’s Department of Justice regarding the dissemination of confidential information. López Obrador made sure that the relationships with his neighbors came to be good, but advised that EE UU should consider sharing information as announced in the communication, called “think well”. “I was also able to say the same thing, which we were deceived by the DEA’s work, but we would be better off then,” he said.

The last four, the General Taxation of the Republic, published in its social speeches the information of 700 pages of the DEA with the miles of intercepted cell phone messages attributed to General Cienfuegos and the narcotics traffic. A few hours ago, the same body announced that it was exempt from the General Prosecution of the United States of America cooperating with the drug trafficking clan of Beltrán Leyva, a cargo that was investigated and detained on October 15 in Los Angeles. Through the FGR’s investigation, which assumes the case to be prosecuted by the Mexican public, the clerk is publicly censored and given confidential information by the DEA. “What we hicimus would have known to the expedient in order to be able to find out that there were no elements, that in effect the deed was made, or that the deeds were made, Independently of who the person was,” the president justified.

López Obrador wanted to increase diplomatic tensions between the two countries. Tras accuses the anti-drug agency of “making” the allegation against the general public, saying that the information provided by the case was submitted to the Justice of the Court, without having sufficient evidence. “It is not possible to live up to an investigation with such irresponsibility, if it is unsatisfactory and that we call it quits,” he said, adding that the authors of the document do not approve of the difference between professionalism and ethics. Recognize that the decision to publish confidential information is unprecedented, but “the most demanding cases” because it is “the prestige of Mexico”. The detention of the Secretary of Defense, responsible for combating narcotics, allegedly in Mexican Ejército, herramienta that the president used frequency to despise his social programs.

In addition, it has been reported that the WhatsApp messages of the information are edited by the general staff full of spelling errors and do not correspond with a high-level employee. “Because it’s important that the expedition is alive,” he insisted. “How can you take pictures of phone pants and go all out?” That’s what we can do, ”he said.

Mexico, anticipating the surprise of the Cienfuegos detention in October, began a diplomatic rally to carry out extradition. EE UU withdrew the cargo with the pretext that “there are sensitive and important considerations of external policy that pesan more than the interest of the Government in pursuing the juice against the accused”. According to the communiqué conjoint of both Gobiernos, hubo reports that Mexico conditioned the collaboration on the drugs and the drugs were not marched behind the case of the general.

The president has signaled that at the time of elections, such as the one positioned by Joe Biden as the next president of EE UU in the middle of a tense process, he always has “passions” and “political confrontation”. “I believe that as far as the elections are concerned, the agency has not yet taken the decision to promote this juice or accelerate the investigation and with these elements detain the general,” he explained. López Obrador revealed that the investigations were carried out in 2013, only 18 days before the comics were discovered. “I’m very tired of the world because it’s the most irresponsible, it’s not professionalism,” she concluded.
