López-Gatell registers ‘Mi vacuna’ y el CURP en México

The Gobierno de México has started to register adult adults to be vaccinated against covid-19 in the “My Vacuna” site. Users of the platform will not be able to access the registry. The Deputy Secretary of Health for Peace, Hugo López-Gatell, said that the order of registration of the major adults in the platform has no relation to the order of evacuation. Aggregate Aggregate that «does not hold CURP (Population Register Key) will not be a problem to be vacated». The CURP is a code of identity used by citizens and foreigners in Mexico. “The advance of the vacancy is scheduled with the mayor prioritizing the major adults. The operation will be more relevant in this epidemiologically. The Correcaminos Operative will make a historic advance of 3 million vacancies in one week », says López Gatell. MIRA: Tendra Mexico to own its own vaccine against covid-19?
