Lolita Ayala has a tendency towards the word of a magazine

Lolita Ayala keng piensa salir del mundo de la moda nie. Mexican presenter follows full-fledged trend on Twitter over the month of March in the magazine Elle.

Orgullosa Ayala shared on her Instagram the news that with this edition the fashion show and celebrity celebrates the International Day of the Woman. One more detail, the intention is to honor the female figures he opened the car for when others can also immerse themselves in the metas and that Lolita is recognized by having been the first woman to die in front of a street in Mexico.

Make a video-informative warning – to the followers to be dependent on their participation. “Permitem offers an adelanto de la portada de Elle México, marzo. It’s done to a woman that you know very well has entered his house during decades”, dijo Ayala.

And although many of its followers applaud the edition to showcase a modern and empowered Lolita, many Twitter users are sharing their image and comparing it to Lady Gaga, who in a red alphabet used similar looks.

It is not the first time that the periodical has become a model in fashion. In November of this year, too, there was a strong tendency to announce a rope brand inspired by the television brand that was launched in front for more than 30 years.

LEER | Lolita Ayala, the trustworthy and lovable roster of the Mexican media that causes sensation with its ropa line

“Today we have the circumstances that led us to make changes, to understand and to be present around you in a distinct manner, so that we have decided to initiate a new stage in the pursuit of an online trend”, account in its social speeches on November 27th.

Stampados llamaron the attention paid to his image was complemented by modern touches and combinations that refer to the image of the character of “Lolita”, which forms part of the book with the same title of Vladimir Nabokov and which was lived in the cinema by Stanley Kubrick.

On the official page, it also appears as sudaderas and has been scribbled inspired by the bochornoso moment that aired in 2014, when it presented a notice, a flame in the gargantuan not allowing permission to vary. “Ya se fue”, dijo cuando pudo aclarar su garganta, kyk na de video se hizo virale.

Ahora, impulsed by his hija, not only selling cubrebocas with the iconic phrase, but also players from Phil Barrera, the vocals of Aduanas and Fronteriza Protection, to whom he mentioned when a “gall” interrupted. Its products are located in a line online and the collection is donated to the “Solo to help” foundation to support people in emergency courses.


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