Log in! Influencer raises $ 40,000 to help a Honduran family

Texas, EEUU.

The influencer Carlos Eduardo Espina, from Uruguay and resident in the EU, reconciled with his migrant work and in favor of the needy, with donation collection campaigns, logos, together with the donors, 40 000 dollars to help the family of Cristian Pavón Molina, a beautiful dog of 11 years that failed af Texas debido a la ola de frío que azota a EEUU.

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Spain spends the last ten days recovering more than $ 80,000 to repatriate the body of the lost German Hermans in a vital accident in the last few days. The hermanos Rivera eran originates from Atima, Santa Bárbara.

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The joven organized GoFoundMe work recovery site to help these repatriate parents repair and repay the medical guests of a person (first) who was hospitalized for the same and fatal accident.

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The wish of the minor Cristian Pavón was regressed to Morazán, Yoro, donde residen sus abuelos ya quienes no veía desde hace dos años, cuando su madre pagó porque su hijo llegase a United States vía frontal terrestrial.

For this reason, the mother of the minor clamored to help repair the minor body, which failed during the March of the month debited to the intensity of the holiday that azota territory territory and the maintenance of electricity and electricity in various regions.

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Initially, to enter the notice, Espina decided to build a site in the help of the Pavón Pineda family. ‘My han pedido that the help to recover $ 5,000 so you can send the body to Honduras. For favor, support giving and sharing. It’s that we can log in to the meta “, writes Espina in his social speeches, along with the direct donation link in GoFoundMe.

This hour of the fours, the reunion, with donations from people of different nationalities, has launched the 40 000 dollars y aún no ha sido cerrada. Espina reports in detail on how to use the money and its destination, due to the fact that it extends credibility between the Hispanic community of United States.
