Locutor salvadoreño denuncia robo a mano armada afuera de su trabajo in San Salvador | El Salvador News

The professional showed his impotence over the delinquency that was affecting the country and hizo the denunciation through its Twitter account.

The salvador locator Charlie Hernández announced this March that he and other people had been killed in an attack on the night of the moon. The robbery is a vehicle, cellular telephones, personal documents and other valuables.

It was about 9:20 a.m. when it was time to leave its workhouse in the colony of Rome, in San Salvador, where at least three of its subjects were waiting.

In relation to the fact that in the 11 years that work has been underway in the situation “never had anything happened”, it has been until then that the zone was considered tranquil.

Hernández says to elsalvador.com that it is available to withdraw from the company when the installation of the installations is met with a friend. She guards all her belongings inside her vehicle and lays saliva from her to call to her. Unsurprisingly, there are three topics that the industry is looking for in terms of resources.

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Make sure that one of the individuals reads: “Well, it’s a joke that everyone has in the man, who does not understand.” Mientras, account that other subjects saco an army of fugue, the cargo and the point for precision that entregara his things. In the answer: “Chavo, I only connect the cellular and the cigars”.

Indicating that the subject of the registration procedure, but only the mobile phone is displayed, can not find any more valuable objects that may be interested.

Signed that comment to delinquent: “Mira mi celular ni siquiera sirve”. Sounds, the man regresses, the insult and the appointment with his fugitive arm. At this moment, “I say: ‘Ya me mató’, only closed the islands, but no hizo nada. It is not as if it had been detained, ”he said.

Without embarrassment, the person with whom Hernández was conversing on the train was driving his vehicle in the mano and the subjects “were at gunpoint” driving their car “which was 20 meters away”.

The woman was accompanied by an employee, who was waiting in the car for the suspects in the vehicle. Both people also wear all their belongings and leave the car.

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“Bajaron a la chava, bajaron a su empleada y se llevaron el carro”. Afirmation that his friend instituted assisted because he thought that the pud had passed the peor ante the arrangements of the subjects.

The case was reported to the police before the National Civil Police (PNC), which had the latest delay in locating the abandoned car in the Medical Colony.

Through the asalto, the professional showed his impotence over the delinquency that he achieved in the country and also denounced the success of which he was victimized through his Twitter, which was the only social red one and which could grow from his tablet, which is not tenia otro telephony mobile.

In this way, Hernández warns about being sued at his contacts to avoid answering telephone calls that could be generated from his cell phone number, which is called robbery.

“I want to talk and answer my phone. No participant llamadas de él. Stay well … ”, wrote in a note that published The Night of the Moon.

In another post, where the situation is exacerbated, this March details in the wake of the social red campaign: “I will take the day off, the only one who can write from the other device because I robbed the phone because it was fast”, said to his seguidores.

“The only thing that is missing is the car of the person who was standing, his things and cases where she had a gun point in the cage…”, agreed.

It is located under investigation by the authorities, according to the signal.

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