“Locura”, “Biden afrenta”, “diplomatic tradition”: which implies the offer of AMLO’s political asylum in Julian Assange

Julian Assange (Photo: REUTERS / Peter Nicholls / Archive)
Julian Assange (Photo: REUTERS / Peter Nicholls / Archive)

This Monday at its habitual conference matutina, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Wikileaks’ political asylum seeker and periodical founder, Australian and Ecuadorian nationality Julian Assange, who is searched by the Justice Department for the filtering of miles of classified documents between 2010 and 2011, regarding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, who will commit acts of torture and civilian assassination.

Assange is a periodical and deserves an opportunity. I am in favor of the indulgence, not only that, but I have asked the Secretary of External Relations to deal with the corresponding traumas in order to apply for the governor of the United Kingdom., lthe possibility that Senator Assange will be released, and that Mexico will offer political asylum, with that which means the right of asylum in our tradition ”, says López Obrador.

The Mexican mandate celebrates the pre-emptive decision announced by the United Kingdom: follows Julian Assange’s extradition to United States, it is considered that debido to su mental salud, correría the risk of suicide if cae in manos de la justicia estadounidense.

From the United States, the response from the Department of Justice that institute “extremely deceived ”by right to extradite to Assange and ensure that this case is appealed.

And precisely for this reason, the announcement of the Mexican president will generate controversy. Experts in foreign policy advise that this action opens a new front with Joe Biden’s governing body –He had advertisements in this new relationship about the time that López Obrador returned the reconciliation with the Democratic presidential victory–. For example, the ex-emissary of Mexico in the United States, Arturo Sarukhan, who has traversed his Twitter account tachó is the expression of “a locura”.


But for other analysts, the words of President Lopez Obrador, readings of his last moment, are a topic that has certainly been dealt with by the authorities of his northern vehicle.

“Probably a series of high-level contacts between both offices to take this decision” statement a Infobae México the expert in international relations, Antonio Laborde. “I do not believe that this has been surpassed as an act of spontaneous generation, it has a professionalism of the Mexican office that certainly has a map of risks and establishes a contemplation … Y probably has a high level dialogue because you can not go from night to night.

(Photo: Cortesía Presidencia)
(Photo: Cortesía Presidencia)

The Doctor of Political Science at the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), also said that all this is possible through a strategy “Que in some way interfered with the international pressure on the United Kingdom, the United States proposal ”, in order to avoid political pressure between these countries discussing the possible cyber-activist extradition, tactics that use “to end a tense relationship, reduce pressure, and Mexico is committed to this tradition”.

The analyst also wrote the statement by the Mexican mandate: follows a traditional theme that Mexico has over the rest of the world. Entones, as an example, recorded the case of the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales.

“In the case of Evo there was a little more complicated because his life was going crazy. Not to mention that Senator Assange did not have a hard time, but in the case of Evo he had an imminent amenity, a political persecution, to prove the invasion of his house, and is part of the tradition of what Mexico is hunting”.

AMLO and its appearance on Wikileaks

About the cables that were revealed on the site of Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, are found information that the governor of the United States was investigating Andrés Manuel López Obrador since 2006, while losing his primary intention of going to the presidency of Mexico, in front of the panicked Felipe Calderón in a result just adjusted to lie to the fraudulent culprits that at the moment accused AMLO.

(Photo: REUTERS / Luis Cortes)
(Photo: REUTERS / Luis Cortes)

But in any way, Laborde signaled, this is only an alternative offered by the Mexican government, and the response of the other party involved in a decision of this type should be missed. “The president is receiving a salute, but what the authorities of the United Kingdom accept is another thing. Mexico is comfortable with this tradition (of asylum) and so it is relevant is an actor in the field of law and international cooperation, and is demonstrated in this type of action ”.


AMLO: “Mexico is the political refugee of Julian Assange”

The British Justice decided not to extradite Julian Assange to the United States
