Llenan a Tigres de felicitaciones que ni Rayados se quiso quedar fuera

Monterrey, NL /

Tigers is a long coat to complete 61 years of history from its foundation the March 7, 1960, for what his social speeches are Invasion of congratulations.

Clubs, Mexican selection, la MX League, communication media, executors and many more write a congratulatory message; including, the archival Rayados do not go to the party.

El Olympique de Marsella can not fail, he has been constantly dependent on what he has in Tigres by his executor André-Pierre Gignac.

Lanús de Argentina también se hizo presente, es un caso similar a lo que ocurre con Gignac, pero el interests de los Argentines es por Guido Pizarro.

Luis Hernández, who game with Tigers from 1998 to 2000, if you are sorry for having fought with the felines

La UANL if present, then Tigers will not be able to be the team of the Maximum Study House, if only Cemex has its administration since 1996 and its next tenure is 2056.
